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DaQingYe ( Dyers Woad Leaf )---大青叶

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Daqingye is the dried leaf of Isatis indigotica Fort., pertainig to Cruciferae. It is collected in summer and fall. After lightly washed. it is cut into small pieces. The fresh form is used or it is used in the raw form after sun dried.

[ Medicinal Properties ]: Bitter and cold; relate to heart and stomach meridians.

[ Medicinal Efficacies ]: Clear heat, relieve toxicity; cool blood and resolve macula.

[ Usage and Dosage ]: 9-15 g. Also it is used externally.

[ Precautions ]: Avoid with deficiency-cold in spleen and stomach.
[ Clinical Applications ]: 1.Heat entering nutrient-blood, warm toxinosis and macula     Daqingye is good at relieving excessive fire and heat toxin in heart and stomach meridians. It treats warm disease in the stage of heat entering nutrient-bloood, manifesting as high fever , coma and macula, usually combined with Shuiniujiao and Zhizi; for example in Xijiao Daqing Decoction. Also it treats exterior syndrome of wind-heat or early stage of warm disease manifesting as fever, headache,thirest, and sore throat, combined with Gegen and Lianqiao.
2. Aphtha, inflammation of throat, erysipelas and mumps     It treats aphtha and inflammation of throat; for example, by using raw Daqingye juice, which is recorded in ancient formula book. Also it treats pestilential toxin up attacking, manifesting as headache, mumps and inflammation of throat, combined with Jinyinhua and Dahuang. For red and swollen erysipelas due to blood heat and prosperous toxin, by itself the fresh one is pounded for use or combined with Pugongying, Zihuadiding and Zaoxiu.
[ Annotation ]: It is stipulated in Zhong Hua ren Ming Gong He Guo Yao Dian (Pharmacopoeia of People' s Republic of China) 2000 edition, leaf of lsatis indigotica Fort. It is a quality goods, and the dired leaf of Polygonum tinctorium Ait., pertaining to Polygonaceae, is given the name of Liao Daqingye. Also Baphicacanthus cusia(Nees) Bremek., pertaining to Acanthaceae and Clerodendron cyrtophyllum Turcz., pertaining to Verbenaceae, are used as Daqingye in some areas. They are similar in properties and efficacies.

大青叶为十字花科植物菘蓝1satis indigotica Fort.的干燥叶片。主产于江苏、安徽、河北、河南、浙江等地。冬季栽培,夏、秋二季分2~3次采收,略洗,切碎,鲜用或晒干生用。
【应用】        1.热入营血,温毒发斑。本品苦寒,善解心胃二经实火热毒;又入血分而能凉血消斑,气血两清,故可用治温热病心胃毒盛,热入营血,气血两燔,高热神昏,发斑发疹,常与水牛角、玄参、栀子等同用,如犀角大青汤(《医学心悟》)。本品功善清热解毒,若与葛根、连翘等药同用,便能表里同治,故可用于风热表证或温病初起,发热头痛,口渴咽痛等,如清温解毒丸(《中国药典》2000年版)。       
【古籍摘要】        1.《名医别录》:“疗时气头痛,大热,口疮。”       
【现代研究】        1.化学成分:菘蓝叶含色氨酸、靛玉红B、葡萄糖芸苔素、新葡萄糖芸苔素、葡萄糖芸苔素-1-磺酸盐及靛蓝。       
【其他】《中国药典》2005年版将菘蓝叶定为大青叶的正品,将蓼科植物蓼蓝Po1ygonum tinctorium Ait.的干燥叶定名为蓼大青叶。
此外,爵床科多年生灌木状草本马蓝Baphicacanthuscsia (Nees) Bremek、马鞭草科落叶灌木路边青Clerodendron cyrtophyllum Turcz等在不同地区亦做大青叶使用,功用、主治基本相同。       

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