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Fu yuan hud xue tang(Recovery Blood-Activating Decoction)---复元活血汤

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Product Description

【组成】  柴胡(9g)  瓜蒌根(9g) 当归(9g)  红花(6g)  甘草(6g)  穿山甲(6g)  大黄(12g)  桃仁(9g)
【功用】  活血祛瘀,疏肝通络
【主治】  跌打损伤瘀血留于胁下,痛不可忍。
【歌诀】  复元活血汤柴胡,花粉当归山甲俱,桃仁红花大黄草,损伤瘀血酒煎去。

Recovery Blood-Activating Decoction Fu yuan hud xue tang

[SOURCE]: Invention of Medicine

[INGREDIENTS]:Bupleurum root 15g,   Snakegourd root 9g,   Chinese angelica root 9g ,  Safflower 6g   Licorice root 6g   Pangolin scales(roasted) 6g ,  Rhubarb( soaked in wine) 30g,  Peach kernel(soaked in wine, peeled and ground into paste) 9g

[DIRECTIONS]: Decoct all the herbs in water for oral administration. EFFECTS: Promoting blood circulation to relieve stasis, soothing the liver and activating collaterals.

[INDICATIONS]: Blood stasis in the hypochondriac region due to traumatic in­jury marked by extreme pain, red tongue with yellow coating, taut, tense or rapid pulse.

[ANALYSIS OF FORMULA]: It is a basic formula for traumatic injury. Rhu­barb, prepared with wine, is used in large dosage to relieve blood stasis. Bupleu­rum root has the effects of soothing the liver and regulating qi. These two herbs are combined to eradicate blood stasis in the hypochondriac region. They act as principal herbs. Peach kernel, Chinese angelica root, safflower and pangolin scales as assistant herbs promote blood circulation to relieve stasis and swelling to stop pain. Snakegourd root is used as adjuvant herb to clear away heat, moisten dryness and relieve swelling and lump. Licorice root relieve contraction and pain, and coor­dinates the other ingredients in the formula, playing the role of dispatcher herb.

This formula is effective for treating accumulation of blood stasis involved in intercostal neuralgia, costal chrondritis and soft tissue injury.

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