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Zi xue dan(Violet Snow Pillet ) ---紫雪

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Product Description

【组成】  石膏(三斤)  寒水石(三斤)  滑石(三斤)  磁石(三斤)  水牛角浓缩粉(五两)  羚羊角屑(五两)  沉香(五两)  青木香(五两)  玄参(一斤)  升麻(一斤)  炙甘草
(八两)  丁香(一两)  芒硝(十斤)  硝石(四升)  麝香(五分)  朱砂(三两)  黄金(一百两)
【功用】  清热开窍,熄风止痉。
【主治】  热邪内陷心包,热盛动风证。高热烦躁神昏谵语痉厥,斑疹吐衄,口渴引饮,唇焦齿燥,尿赤便秘,舌红绛苔干黄,脉数有力或弦数,以及小儿热盛惊厥。
【歌诀】 紫血羚牛朱朴硝,硝磁寒水滑石膏,丁沉木麝升玄草,不用赤金法亦超。

Violet Snow Pillet zi xue dan   

[SOURCE]: Formulae of Peaceful Benevolent Dispensaty


Gypsum 1500g ,  Calcite 1500g ,  Talc 1500g,   Magnetite 1500g,   Rhinoceros horn 500g,   Antelope’s horn 500g ,  Dutchmanspipe root 500g,   Eagle wood 500g ,  Scrophularia root 500g,   Bugbance rhizome 500g,   Roasted licorice root 240g,   Cloves 30g Glaubersalt 500g Niter(or Mirabilite) 96g ,  Musk( grind) 36g, 

Cinnabar(refining powder with water) 90g,  Gold(It was omitted starting from Effective Formulae.)

[DIRECTIONS ] Grind the above ingredients into fine powder take 0. 9 to 1. 5 grams each time with cold boiled water, once or twice a day.

[EFFECTS]: Clearing away heat and openning orifices, relieving convulsion and tranquilizing the mind.

[INDICATIONS]: Syndrome of heat-evil sinking into the pericardium occurring in the course of warm-heat disease manifested as high fever, restlessness, loss of consciouseness, delirium, convulsion, thirst with parched lips, dark brown urine, constipation, infantile convulsion due to high fever.

[ANALYSIS OF FORMULA]: It is a common formula to clear away heat and blockage of orifices and relieve convulsion, Gypsum, is pungent and sweet in flavor and very cold in property. It reduces fever and purges the fire, and is good at clear­ing away the heat in qi phase and relieving heavy thirst. Calcite assists gypsum in purging fire. Talc produces the effects of clearing away heat, excreting urination and inducing heat downward. Rhinoceros horn being salty in flavor and cold in
property clears the heart, cools the blood, purges toxins and tranquilizes the mind. Antelope’s horn is good at purging the liver-fire and is the key herb for cooling the liver to stop wind. Musk opens orifices with its aromatic nature. The above- mentioned herbs play the main role in the formula. Scrophularia root clears away heat and nourish yin. Magnetite, cinnabar tranquilize the mind with their heavy property. Dutchmanspipe root, cloves and eagle wood promote the circulation of qi and assist musk in openning orifices. Bugbance rhizome and licorice root clear a- way heat and poison. Glauber’s salt and niter purge heat to relieve constipation just like taking away the burning wood from under the boiler. These ingredients are assistant herbs. The joint use of all the ingredients produce the effects of clearing away heat and openning orifices and stopping wind to relieve convulsion.

Encephalitis B, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, morbid pneumonia, infan­tile measles, typhus and scarlet fever manifested by coma, delifium, convulsion and purple maculae and papullae cnn be treated with the formula.

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