Everything in the Universe moves and vibrates ,Everything you see around you is vibrating at one frequency or another, and so are you.
When you raise your energy and your vibration to a higher frequency, This brings new possibilities and new realities that you may not have experienced before. increase your vibration, become aware of heart energy, align with the energy of universe Source, and more closer you become to fulfilling your desires.
Increasing your vibration frequency means improving your energy and improving your health. The higher the frequency, the healthier and happier you are.
Here are some easy ways you can start increasing your vibration:
1.(1) Meditate. Our Special Healing of Love Words to Raise our Energy and Vibration.-I Love You, I'm Sorry, Please Forgive me, Thank you.
2. Change your DNA. Did you know that your DNA has a vibration frequency? Music recorded at 528 HZ has been shown to resonate with the energy of love, peace and health. It is said to be the sound that resonates at the heart of creation. some of repair DNA meditation of music on the YouTube.
3. Wearing Energy Stone/Crystal & Amber to Raise Energy and Vibration. different colors of energy stone healing different Chakra of problem.
the store address is 2487 Yonge Street Toronto, the Phone is 416-932-8684 for sale energy stone crystal and so on.
4. Spend time in Nature. A visit to a park or a walk in nature positively affects your braining, raising your vibration.Find yourself a patch of earth, kick your shoes off and let mother earth do her ‘thing.
5. Read inspiring quotes. Quotes are a great reminder of not only how the Law of Attraction works, but to Appreciate the important things in life. They can help you feel better, make you smile, make you laugh…
6.Say something nice to a stranger/Tell someone how much you appreciate them and Smile. Smiling uses fewer muscles than frowning, and naturally raises your vibration. It has a positive effect on your mood and lowers your stress level.
7. Look around and notice something beautiful.Take some time to Appreciate the world around you.Sincere gratitude has high frequency vibration and energy.
8. Get yourself hugged/Hug someone.
Hugs get oxytocin flowing in your body. They calm your nervous system, lower your stress levels, boost your immune system, improve your heart health and make you feel better. Hug your spouse, your children, your friends, your family members, your pets…
9. Breathe deeply: the more oxygen your cells get, the more alive you will feel.The extra oxygen will energize you, calm you and help you connect to Universal energy.
10. State out loud one thing you are grateful for in that moment. Gratitude offers a great way to feel happier and raise your vibration daily.
11. Get creative. Get out of your left brain & into your right by creating something that didn’t exist a moment before. by creating something. Paint. Draw. Sculpt. Have fun with an coloring book.
12. Call in some high vibe friends who raise you up not pull you down to have some fun/activities together. for example:
Have a dance party. Even a dance party for one releases natural endorphins that lift your mood and vibration. Put on some music and get funky!
Move. Get your blood pumping. Go for a walk. Do something to get your flowing.
Watch a funny movie or TV show/Read a high vibe book, like this one"sneaky plug'.
Stretch. Any time we sit in one position for a long time, we begin to stiffen up and slow down our energy flow. Raise your hands above your head, work out the kinks, and watch your energy increase.
Play on a swing. Swings aren't just for children. They've been shown to be a great way to deal with over-stimulation, post-traumatic syndrome , and more. ......
13. Daydream It isn't just for children! Daydreaming allows you to escape from the world for a bit. It improves your thinking, increases your well-being, and gives you some time to become in vibrational alignment with the things you truly desire. Take some time to visualize your ideal life during the day. It does more than amplify the Law of Attraction.
14. Take a nap. Lack of sleep can lower your vibrational level quickly. It can make you grumpy, irritable, and impatient. A quick nap can quickly shift you up the vibrational scale ,When you raise your vibration, you align with universal energy. This is when dreams come true.
15. Head to the Ocean and let those negative ions do their thing/Take an epsom salt bath.