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Bi xie fen qing yin(Wolly Yam Decoction for Clearing Turbid Urine) --萆薢分清饮

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Product Description

【组成】  益智(9g)  川萆薢(9g)  乌药(9g)  石菖蒲(9g)
【功用】 温暖下元,利湿化浊。
【主治】  虚寒白浊小便频数,白如米泔,凝如膏糊,舌淡苔白,脉沉。
【歌诀】  萆薢分清石菖蒲,萆薢乌药益智俱,或益茯苓盐煎服,通心固肾浊精驱。

Wolly Yam Decoction for Clearing Turbid Urine bi xie fen qing yin

[SOURCE] :Danxi,s Experiential Therapies

[INGREDIENTS]: Bitter cardamon 9g,  Wolly yam 9g,  Crassleaved sweetflag rhizome 9g ,  Lindera root 9g 

[DIRECTIONS]: Decoct all the herbs with a little salt in water for oral adminis­tration.

[EFFECT]:Warming the kidney, excereting dampness and resolving the tur­bidity.

[INDICATIONS]: Deficiency-cold of the lower-jiaodue to downward flow of damp-turbidity marked by cloudy urine, frequent urination, or urine just like chyme, coagulation of urine like cream, whitish tongue coating and deep pulse.

[ANALYSIS OF FORMULA]: It is a common formula for treatment of cloudy urine and chyloid stranguria due to deficiency-cold of the lower-jiao and down­ward flow of damp-turbidity. Wolly yam in the formula is good at excreting damp­ness and separating clear and the turbid, acting as a principal herb. Functioning as assistant herbs, bitter cardamon warms the kidney and concentrates urine, lindera root warms the kidney and activates qi. Grassleaved sweetflag rhizome as an adju­vant herb resolves the turbid to treat stranguria. Salt being salty flavor guides the potency of all herbs to act on the kidney, playing a role of dispatcher herb.

In clinical practice this formula can be used to treat chyluria and chronic prostatitis manifested as syndrome of cold-dampness due to deficiency of the kid­ney.

But it is contraindicated in cloudy urine and chyloid stranguria due to overa­bundance of damp-heat in the urinary bladder.

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