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Da chai hu tang(Major Bupleurum Decoction )---大柴胡汤

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Product Description

【组成】  柴胡(12g) 黄芩(9g)  芍药(9g)  半夏(9g)  生姜(15g)  枳实(9g)  大枣(4枚)  大黄(6g)
【功用】  和解少阳 ,内泻热结
【主治】  少阳阳明合病。往来寒热,胸胁苦满,呕不止,郁郁微烦,心下痞硬,或心下满痛,大便不解或下利,舌苔黄,脉弦数有力者。
【歌诀】  大柴胡汤用大黄,枳实芩夏白芍将,煎加姜枣表兼里,妙法内攻并外攘。

Da chai hu tang(Major Bupleurum Decoction )


Bupleurum root 9g,  Scutellaria root 9g , White peony root 9g,  Pinellia tuber 9g,  Fresh ginger 9g,  Unripened bitter orange 9g , Rhubarb 6g , Chinese date 4 pcs.

[DIRECTIONS]:Decoct the above herbs in water for oral administration.

[EFFECTS]: Expelling Shaoyang evil exteriorly and purging heat accumulation interiorly.

[INDICATIONS]: Combination of Shaoyang and Yangming diseases manifested by alternate chill and fever, chest distress and hypochondria fullness, persistent vomiting, depression with slight vexation, stuffiness and hardnss of epigastrium, or distending pain of epigastrium, constipation, or diarrhea with fever, yellow coat­ing, taut and forceful pulse.

[ANALYSIS OF FORMULA]: This formula is a modification of the Minor Bup­leurum Decoction and Minor Purgative Decoction for treating the combination of Shaoyang and Yangming diseases. As the main herbs, bupleurum root and Scutel­laria root harmonize Shaoyang. Being the assistant herbs, rhubarb and unripened bitter orange purge the excessive heat of Yangming to prevent from transforming into excessive syndrome of Yangming fu-viscera due to heat evil entering the in­terior thoroughly. Being sour flavor and cold nature, white peony root can not only clear the gallbladder and liver for regulating qi and blood by cooperating with bupleurum root and Scutellaria root, but also relieve spasm and pain by coopera­ting with rhubarb; fresh ginger is to harmonize stomach for lowering turbidity by cooperating with pinellia tuber as well as harmonizing the nutrient and defensive

qi and all the components by cooperating with Chinese date. They act as the adju­vant and dispatcher herbs together.

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