The source is from the ripe fruits of Amomum kravanh Pierre ex Gagnep. or Amomum compactum Soland ex Maton, family Zingiberaceae. It is collected in the autun, when the colour of fruits transforms from green into yellow and green. The crude one is dried in the sun and pounded into pieces for use.
[ Medicinal Properties ]: Pungent and warm; relate to the lung, spleen and stomach meridians
[ Medicinal Efficacies ]: Resolve dampness, move qi; warm the middle and relieve vomiting.
[ Usage and Dosage ]: Decoction 3-6g. It should be add later to the decoction.
[ Precautions ]: It should be used carefully in yin deficiency with blood dryness.
[ Clinical Applications ]: 1.Rentention of dampness in the middle energizer and qi stagnation in the spleen and stomach It is usually used together with Huoxiang, Sharen and Chenpi, etc. When it is accompanied with spleen insufficiency manifested as poor appetite an fatigue, it can be combined with Huangqi, Baizhu and Renshen, etc. For the early stage of damp-warm with preponderance of damp manifested as oppression in chest and poor appetite, it can be combined with Yiyiren and Xingren, etc., such as in Sanren Decoction. For preponderance of heat over damp, it is usually combined with Huangqin and Huashi, etc.,such as in Huangqin Huashi Decoction.
2.Vomiting It is suitable for vomiting of qi stagnation due to damp obstruction and stomach cold. It can be used alone, or in combination with Huoxiang and Banxia, etc. For infantile milk regurgitation and poor appetite due to stomach cold, it can be ground in powder together with Sharen and Gancao.
[ Medicinal Comparison ]: Similarities: Doukou and Sharen both have the actions of resoving damp, moving qi, warm the middle and stop vomiting and diarrhea. For retention of dampness in the middle energizer or qi stagnation in the spleen and stomach, they are usually used altogether.
Differneces:Doukou tends on act on the upper and middle energizer and warm stomach, check adverse rise of qi to arrest vomiting. Sharen is superior to Doukou in the actions of resolving damp and moving qi and tends to act on the lower and middle energizer. It can warm the spleen to check diarrhea and move qi to prevent abortion as well.
[ Annotation ]: Doukou qiao : The source is from the peel of Fructus Amomi Rotundus. Its properties and actions are similar to those of Doukou. But it is mild warm and weaker than Doukou and it is suitable for retention of damp and qi stagnation manifested as epigastric and abdominal stuffiness, poor appetite and vomiting, etc. Its dosage is 3-5g.
豆蔻为姜科植物白豆蔻A. kravanh Pierre ex Gagnep. 或瓜哇白豆蔻A. compactum Soland ex Maton的干燥成熟果实。又名白豆蔻。主产于泰国、柬埔寨、越南,我国云南、广东、广西等地亦有栽培;按产地不同分为“原豆蔻”和“印尼白蔻”。于秋季果实由绿色转成黄绿色时采收,晒干生用,用时捣碎。
【药性】辛,温。归肺、脾、胃经。 【功效】化湿行气,温中止呕。
【应用】 1.湿阻中焦及脾胃气滞证。本品可化湿行气,常与藿香、陈皮等同用;若脾虚湿阻气滞之胸腹虚胀,食少无力者,常与黄芪、白术、人参等同用,如白豆蔻丸(《圣惠方》)。另外,本品辛散入肺而宣化湿邪,故还常用于湿温初起,胸闷不饥证。若湿邪偏重者,每与薏苡仁、杏仁等同用,如
【用法用量】煎服,3~6g,入汤剂宜后下。 【使用注意】阴虚血燥者慎用。
【古籍摘要】 1.《开宝本草》:“主积冷气,止吐逆反胃,消谷下气。” 2.《本草通玄》:“白豆蔻,其功全在芳香之气,一经火炒,便减功力;即入汤液,但当研细,乘沸点服尤妙。”
【现代研究】 1.化学成分:含挥发油,主要成分为1,4桉叶素,α-樟脑、律草烯及其环氧化物。
附药 豆蔻壳 为豆蔻的果壳。性味功效与豆蔻相似,但温性不强,力亦较弱。适用于湿阻气滞所致的脘腹痞闷,食欲不振,呕吐等。煎服,3~5g。