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Emotions of Healing by Light Code --光密码疗愈情绪

Emotions of Healing by Light Code --光密码疗愈情绪

Product Description

Emotions of Healing by light code --光密码疗愈各种情绪,如

 By Healer Winnie He uses high-frequency energy of the universe , Inner Vision And Combined with Relevant Akashic Record & Light of Hand  ability light code etc, Find the cause and solve the problem.

--•远程能量疗愈 运用宇宙高频能量和内视能力及结合你相关的阿卡西记录和光之手的能力,发现原因解决问题.

需要被疗愈人的一张清晰近照,法定姓名,年龄等资料及被疗愈病情说明。Need a clear latest photo, legal Name ,Age etc and the description of the condition to be healed.

 Remote energy healing is quantum healing. it is the healing of the etheric energy layer.它是乙太体能量层的疗愈. 



另,以下此方法情绪释放免费赠送你      This method of Emotions release is free for you now

如: 恐惧/抑郁/烦躁/猜忌/抱怨/挑剔/怨恨/内疚等结合穴位疗愈.  https://youtu.be/pmEnU8HBydw?si=GEN68xNlB4zzLANv


所有的负面情绪都是由于体内的能量系统受到侵扰所引起的 -- The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system。而"体内的能量系统″,就是中国人五千年前就已经了解清楚的"经络系统″(Meridian System)。


主要做法是,依照一定的步骤拍击特定的穴位,释放未被排除的能量,只是在操作过程中需要时时保持和所要释放的情愫对焦(Tune - in),就是操作时要把那个情绪或伤痛回想起来并面对着它。


这个方法是基于中医经络穴位的理论, 只是它所处理掉的是情绪问题而不是生理疾病而已。



  第一步:Tune-In 对焦于情绪 


   第二步:Measurement 评估情绪强度 



   第 三步:Affirmation Phrase 建立宣告句与提示语


“虽然我有______的问题,但我还是全然地接纳我自己。”Even though I have ( name of problem ), I deeply and completely accept myself.


 第四步:解除反动机制(Psychological Reversal) ,Tapping 敲打的几个重要穴位 等

所谓的反动机制,指的是个人潜意识中所隐含的“自我伤害”或“自我惩罚”(Self Sobtage)的心愫,所造成抵消释放力量的机制。在个案中,大约有40%比例的案例是含有反动机制在内的,若不先对这问题做先期处分,则后续的操作将无法得到任何效果的。



有时候必需多做几趟才能把问题完全解决. 所使用的宣告句和提示语也必需随着情绪强度的减轻,将宣告句“有          问题”的部份改成“还有一些          问题”或“还有一点           问题”等。例如:



















很多情绪隐藏得很深,我们很多时候未必能察觉到. 不记得的伤痛记忆保存在潜意识中,总是按照一个相同模式发生着很多事件



{ Even though I have (name of problem), I deeply and completely accept myself.

You insert the name of the problem in the exposure half of the Setup Statement. Examples might be:
Even though I had that dreadful car crash, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I have this migraine headache, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I have this fear of heights, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I have this pain in my knees, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I had my buddy die in my arms in Iraq, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I have this huge craving for whiskey, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I have this fear of spiders, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I have this urge to eat another cookie, I deeply and completely accept myself.
I accept myself fully and completely, even with this miserable headache.
I deeply love myself, even though I have nightmares from that terrible car crash.
I hold myself in high esteem, even though I feel such pain from my divorce.
When you’re doing it with children, you don’t need an elaborate Setup Statement. You can have children use very simple self-acceptance phrases, like “I’m okay” or “I’m a great kid.” Such a Setup Statement might look like this:
Even though Johnny hit me, I’m okay.
The teacher was mean to me, but I’m still an amazing kid.}
This Method is Free for you---情绪释放,如:恐惧,抑郁,烦躁,猜忌,抱怨挑剔,怨恨,内疚等结合穴位疗愈.       


 Emotional Release , It can release all negative emotions and all lingering psychological trauma or shadow quickly and effectively.
 The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system. The "internal energy system" mentioned in this is actually the meridian system that the Chinese people understood five thousand years ago.
The main method is to tap several specific acupoints according to certain steps to release the energy that has not been excluded,  you just need to keep the emotion focus (tune in) that you want to release at all times, that is, you need to recall the emotion or pain and face it.
All psychogenic diseases and traumas can be applied, such as acrophobia, depression, trauma of domestic violence, trauma of war, etc. It can also be applied to negative emotions, such as biting nails, hating someone, being nervous, etc.
This method is based on the theory of meridians and acupoints in traditional Chinese medicine, but it deals with emotional problems rather than physiological diseases.
Operation process: There are four steps ,
 Step 1: tune in focuses on emotions
Try to go back to the feeling that bothers you and focus on the key to the emotional problems you want to eliminate.
Step 2: measurement evaluates emotional intensity
After the emotion is focused, first evaluate its intensity, and mark it with a scale of 0 to 10; 0 represents no emotion at all, and 10 represents that the intensity of emotion reaches the endurance limit. The purpose of the assessment is to have a comparative basis for the state of emotional change after each beat.
For example, if you are afraid of rats, first imagine the rats or think about the last time you were scared by rats, and then assess the current emotional intensity. If your emotional intensity is 7, then evaluate it after a round of slap. If it's 0, it means you have finished releasing; if it's down to 3, you need to continue another round of beating until it's fully released.
Step 3: establish declarative sentences and prompts
The so-called declarative sentence is a fixed format text read to your subconscious mind. Its format is:
 Even though I have ( name of problem ), I deeply and completely accept myself.
Fill in the blanks with a short description of the problem you are struggling with. For example: Although I have the fear of speaking before the public, I accept myself completely
Step 4: psychological reversal, several important acupoints of tapping, etc
The so-called reactionary mechanism refers to the mechanism of counteracting the release of power caused by the hidden "self injury" or "self punishment" in one's subconscious mind. In the cases, about 40% of the cases contain reactionary mechanism. If we don't punish the problem in advance, the follow-up operation will not get any effect.
Each stroke needs to start from the outside of the palm (Houxi point), which can relieve the psychological inversion. Then knock 12 acupoints in sequence, or only for the reaction of sore points.
Subsequent adjustment
Sometimes it is necessary to do several more times to completely solve the problem. The declarative sentences and prompts used must also be changed to "there are still some problems" or "there are still some problems" with the reduction of emotional intensity. For example:
Although I have the fear of speaking before the public, I still completely accept myself.
Although I have some questions that I'm afraid of speaking before the public, I still completely accept myself.
And the hint should also be adjusted relatively in intensity as follows: there are some fears A little scared And so on.
Several key points
Specific: in application, it is necessary to pay attention to the definiteness of the scope of the defined subject, because the characteristic of EFT is that the more specific the subject is, the easier it will be effective, whereas the more general or conceptual the subject is, the less likely it will be effective.
Knock 12 acupoints and release 12 emotions
1 Baihui Point: Fear hides above your head, suppressing your aura
2 Cuanzhu Point: You will frown when you are anxious
3Tongzilian Point: When you are nervous, your eyelids will jump
4 Chengqi Point: the tears of depression followed by the sadness followed
5 people's middle point: Dispel the restless mood piled here
6 Pudong Cave: The mud of inferiority converges here
7 Yufu Point: emptiness and boredom can accumulate addiction
8 Yuan axillary point: suspicion is hidden in the socket of the clamp
9 Treasury: Complaining and picky warehouse
10 Tanzhong Point: The unreleased anger stays here
11 Qihai Point: Too much resentment will make the belly bigger
12 Rugen: the hidden guilt and shame
 Tapping 12 acupoints alone will release the accumulated negative emotions. Many emotions are deeply hidden, which we may not be aware of in many cases.
The painful memories that can't be remembered are all kept in the subconscious,  many events happen according to the same pattern. There are  ways to release, most of which are based on the same principle: to admit, face, identify and allow the existence of pain, which basically completes the release. And the part that hasn't been released may have hidden the inner pain that he won't face and admit.

Product Videos

能量疗愈要点& 自我能量疗愈的秘笈 -【WH能量疗愈-量子医学】 Self-energy Healing Secrets! - [WH Energy Healing-quantum Medicine] (10:34)
The Key To Successful Energy & Self-energy Healing Secrets! - [WH Energy Healing-quantum Medicine] 能量疗愈要点是什么& 自我能量疗愈的 秘笈 -【WH能量疗愈-量子医学】 能量频率疗愈它不针不药,是纯粹的自然疗法,是未来的主流医学-能量医学,未来已来,能量/量子时代已到! 自我能量疗愈是最直接、有效、主动的疗愈方式,只要知道问题在我们身体的哪个部位,就可知道归属于哪个脉轮。 脉轮并非实质存在的器官,而是指全身气场的能量聚集点, 你的身体毛病位置在哪个脉轮附近,那么就归属于哪个脉轮能量中心。然后用那个相应的脉轮频率能量来振动清理疗愈,既是能量频率疗愈。 身体每个脉轮能量中心都有其不同的赫兹振动频率,海底轮是396赫兹,生殖轮或脐轮417赫兹,太阳神经丛或胃轮528赫兹,心轮639赫兹,喉轮741赫兹,眉心轮852赫兹,顶轮963赫兹. 自然界中万事万物无时无刻都在振动中,我们处于什么样的频率状态,就会吸引同等频率状态的人事物到我们身边来, 当我们身体里的低能量被清理转化的越来越多,身体的能量频率就自然会越来越高,当我们的频率与我们渴望的事物频率一致时,那么我们渴望的万事万物就会自然为我们而来。 我们的能量高低起伏与心境息息相关,精神状态也决定着能量层级,所以这些能量清理方法,都可帮助我们清理和疗愈改善振动频率和能量层级,改善健康和命运。 当然还包括我们平时的正向思维,常常帮助他人或有帮助他人的心,及到大自然中去或去海边/泡盐浴都是一样道理,可增强我们的振动频率,冥想打坐更是会迅速提升我们的振动频率,即使没完全进入禅定也一样的到了内心的安宁与平静。赞美他人爱自己和家人也是提升自己能量的有效方法,还有,做白日美梦,越具体越好,可放大吸引力法则,让我们有时间与渴望事物的振动频率一致。 那么我们在自我能量疗愈时,应该注意掌握哪些要点,使能量疗愈效果显著或倍增呢?重点来了,它是能量疗愈中的秘笈,希望我们都可掌握灵活运用,记在心中、反复实践、应用,效果才能显著不同凡响! 1.首先,我们要有意识跟随着疗愈频率或冥想清理音乐...... 2.其次,听音频自我疗愈时,一定脑中意念着你的毛病问题,想象着......不可逆的消失不见了。这种意念一直持续着,反复在脑中想象着,观想着,意念着,始终贯穿于整个音频自我疗愈中。 3. 如果是顽固不化问题,或感觉效果不佳时,那么我们可以加用.....能量疗法,来加持我们增强效果,根据我们具体情况采用不同的方法。 温馨提醒一下: a/随着越来越多的自我能量清理与疗愈,我们可能会出现一些梦境或清醒梦,这些都是好现象,......,决定我们人一生命运的不是金钱、地位、物质,而是我们的振动频率和能量层级,改变频率能量层级就是改变我们的命运和健康。 b/再一个,在疗愈音频期间可能会出现有痰现象.....当低能量走掉的当时你......。 c/ 如果是身体里长期存在的低能量突然走掉了,那么有时身体会感觉有点......来帮助身体快速调整过来。 最后,祝愿我们大家身体愈来愈健康,能量频率越来越高,当你的频率高时,万事万物将为你而来! www.herbsCentre.com 和邮箱地址winnie2007ca@gmail.com如果有任何问题,请毫不犹豫地联系我! 谢谢大家! WH能量疗愈-找到原因解决问题,希望可以帮到你 WH疗愈包括:1)?(免费)自我清理與療癒-视频 2)?能量疗愈培训&实践课班 3)?WH靈性解读-找出原因解决问题:包括感情,亲子同事关系,前途事业,健康问题;灵魂沟通等服務 https://www.herbscentre.com/ 如果你喜欢,欢迎大家点播、订阅、点评及点赞 ,共同成长一起进步。 还有,欢迎大家加入我们的能量疗愈实操课:每周3次课,上午8:30-10:30/北京晚上,每次2-2.5小时。1年循环课在ZOOM线上. 费用¥2500 人民币/人,$500 加币。包括每人一次能量灵性阅读,和以共修形式上实践培训课。 课程内容包括: 1/自我清理疗愈-引导式 2/疗愈内在小孩,爱我们自己。 3/自身情绪清理,释放12种情绪,运用情绪释放术+催眠冥想 4/打开过去怨结及释放纠缠的能量,通过解结咒和零极限能量疗法及相结合宇宙神奇方法 5/链接高我,等等 还有业力消除冥想及祖先疗愈共修 等等线上培训。 #能量疗愈培训课#量子医学-#自我疗愈
  • 能量疗愈要点& 自我能量疗愈...
    The Key To Successful Energy & Self-energy Healing Secrets! - ...

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Emotions of Healing by Light Code --光密码疗愈情绪

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