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Fu zi li zhong wan(Aconite Middle-Regulating Pills )---附子理中丸

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 Aconite Middle-Regulating Pills (fu zi li zhong wan) , ( Formulae of Peaceful Benevolent Dispensary)

Ginseng 30g, bighead atractylodes rhizome 30g, dry ginger 30g, Roasted lico­rice root 30,prepared aconite lateral root 30g.

The above herbs should be ground into fine powder, then mix with honey to be made into form of pills.

【Effects】: Warming yang to dispel cold, strengthening the spleen qi.

【Indications】: Deficient cold of the spleen and stomach with attack of wind-cold marked by epigastric pain, vomiting and diarrhea with spasm. 


Middle-Regulating Pills(Li  zhong wan)---理中丸

【组成】  人参(9g) 干姜(9g)  甘草(炙,9g)  白术(9g) 

【功用】  温中散寒,补气健脾。 

【主治】  脾胃虚寒证。脘腹疼痛,喜温欲按,自利不渴,畏寒肢冷,呕吐,不欲饮食,舌淡苔白,脉沉细;或阳虚失血;或小儿慢惊;或病后喜唾涎沫;或霍乱吐泻;或胸痹中焦虚寒。 
【歌诀】  理中丸主理中乡,甘草人参术干姜,呕利腹痛阴寒盛,或加附子总扶阳。  

Middle-Regulating Pills(Li  zhong wan) 

【SOURCE】: Treatise on Cold-Attack

【INGREDIENTS】:Ginseng 6g , Dry ginger 5g , Roasted licorice root 6g, Bighead atractylodes rhizome 9g

【DIRECTIONS】: Grind the above herbs into powder then mix with honey to make into from of pills as large as yolk. Taking one pill with lukewarm water each time. Or the above herbs could be decocted in water for oral administration.

【EFEFCTS】: Warming the middle to dispel cold, reinforcing the spleen-qi.


(1)      Deficient cold of the middle-jzao manifested by diarrhea without thirst, vomiting, abdominal distention and pain, anorexia, and cholera.

(2)      Yang deficiency and blood loss.

(3)      Chronic infantile convulsion, sleepy and sialorrhea after recovery from ill­ness, and chest congestion, etc. due to deficient cold of the middle-jzao.

【ANALYSIS OF FORMULA】: This is a representative formula for deficient cold of the spleen and stomach. Being pungent flavor and hot nature, dry ginger acts as the main herb to warm the middle for dispelling cold and relieving pain. As the as­sistant herb, ginseng reinforces the middle qi. Bighead atractylodes rhizome is the adjuvant herb to dry dampness and to strengthen the spleen-qi for recovering the normal ascending and descending. Licorice root acts as the dispatcher herb to toni­fy the middle qi and to harmonize all the components.

In the present clinic,this formula has affirmative effects on treating acute of chronic gastroenteritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer, gastroptosia, chronic colitis, chronic bronchitis, ascariasis, menorrhagia pertaining to deficient cold of the spleen and stomach.



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