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Gu chong tang(Chong Meridian-Consolidating Decoction)---固冲汤

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Product Description

【组成】  白术(30g)  生黄芪(18g)  龙骨(煅,24g) 牡蛎(煅,24g)  萸肉(24g)  生杭芍(12g)  海螵蛸(12g)  茜草(9g)  棕榈炭(6g)  五倍子(1.5g)
【功用】  益气健脾,固冲摄血。
【主治】  脾气虚弱,冲脉不固证。血崩或月经过多,色淡质稀,心悸气短,腰膝痠软,舌淡,脉微弱者。
【歌诀】  固冲汤中用术芪,龙牡芍萸茜草施,倍子海蛸棕榈炭,崩中漏下总能医。

Chong Meridian-Consolidating Decoction gu chong tang

[SOURCE]: Integration of Chinese and Western Medicines

[INGREDIENTS]:Bighead atractylodes rhizome(fired) 30g,  Astragalus root 18g,  Dragon bone( calcined) 24g,  Oyster shell(calcined) 24g,  Dogwood fruit (pit removed) 24g,  White peony 12g,  Mantis egg-case 12g,  Rubia root 9g,   Carbonized palm petiole 6g ,  Chinese gall 1. 5g

[DIRECTIONS]: Decoct all the above herbs in water for oral administration.

[EFFECTS]: Replenishing qi, strengthening the spleen, and consolidating Chong Meridian to control the blood.

[INDICATIONS]: Unconsolidation of Chong Meridian and failure of the spleen to control the blood due to weakness of spleen-qi manifested as metrorrhagia or menorrhagia, light red and thin blood, thready weak pulse or feeble pulse.

[ANALYSIS OF FORMULA]: It is commonly used for metrorrhagia and metro­staxis .Bighead atractylodes rhizome and astragalus root as principal herbs replen­ish qi, strengthen the spleen, and consolidate Chong Meridian to control the blood so as to treat the “root”. Dogwood fruit and white peony as assistant herbs tonify the liver and kidney, astringe yin and nourish the blood. Calcined dragon bone, cal­cined oyster shell, mantis egg-case, carbonized palm petiole and Chinese gall to­gether as adjuvant herbs induce astringency to stop bleeding so as to treat the “branch” of syndrome and combine with rubia root to promote blood circulation so that stopping bleeding without stasis. The combination of all the herbs in the formula treats both the “branch” and the “root” of metrorrhagia.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, profuse bleeding during delivery and peptic ulcer hemorrhage pertaining to qi deficiency can be treated by this formula.

Both this formula and Back to the Spleen Decoction can be used for metror­rhagia and metrostaxis due to failure of the spleen to control the blood. However, the latter, is used for tonifying the heart and spleen, and stresses on treating the “root”,the former is characterized by combining herbs for strengthening the spleen with herbs for inducing astringency to arrest bleeding, and treating both the “branch” and the “root,,,so that hemostatic effect is stronger than that of the latter.

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