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Gu jing wan(Pills for Arresting Uterine Bleeding )---固经丸

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Product Description

【组成】  黄柏(6g)  黄芩(15g)  椿根皮(12g)  白芍(15g) 龟版(炙,15g) 香附(6g)
【功用】  滋阴清热固经止血
【主治】  崩漏。经水过期不止,或下血量过多,血色深红或紫黑稠粘,手足心热,腰膝痠软,舌红,脉弦数。
【歌诀】  固经丸用龟版君,黄柏椿皮香附群,黄芩芍药酒丸服,漏下崩中色黑殷。
Pills for Arresting Uterine Bleeding gu jing wan

[SOURCE]: Elemetary Medicine

[INGREDIENTS]: Scutellaria root 30g ,  White peony root 30g,   Tortoise plastron 30g ,  Ailanthus bark 21g,   Phellodendron bark 9g ,  Nutgrass flatsedge rhizome 7. 5g  

[DIRECTIONS] Grind the herbs into powder and then mix it with liquor to make into paste pills as big as the seed of Chinese parasol tree. Take 9 grams each time, one or two times a day with warm boiled water before meal. Or, decoct all herbs in water for oral administration with the dosage deducted proportionally.

[EFFECTS]: Nourishing yin, clearing away heat and arresting bleeding to con­solidate menstruation.

[INDICATIONS]: Menorrhagia, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis manifested as dark red blood with purple and black stagnated blood masses, irritable warm sen­sation in the chest, abdominal pain, scanty dark yellow urine, reddish tongue, and taut and rapid pulse.

[ANALYSIS OF FORMULA]: Tortoise plastron and white peony root together as principal herbs in the formula nourish yin and blood, settle yang to lower fire, Scutellaria root clears away heat and purges fire to stop bleeding. Phellodendron bark and ailanthus bark as assistant herbs assist Scutellaria root to clear heat, stop bleeding and consolidate menstruation. Nutgrass flatsedge rhizome is used as the adjuvant herb with effects of soothing the liver and relieving depression to regu­late blood.

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