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Hao qin qing dan tang---蒿芩清胆汤

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Product Description

【组成】  青蒿(4.5~6g)  竹茹(9g)  法半夏(4.5g)  赤茯苓(9g)  黄芩(4.5g)  生枳壳(4.5g)  陈皮(4.5g)  碧玉散(滑石甘草青黛,9g)
【功用】  清胆利湿,和胃化痰。
【主治】  少阳湿热症。寒热如疟,寒轻热重,口苦膈闷,吐酸苦水,或呕黄涎而粘,甚则干呕呃逆,胸胁胀痛,小便黄少,舌红苔白腻,间现杂色,脉数而右滑左弦者。
【歌诀】  蒿芩清胆碧玉需,陈夏茯苓枳竹茹,热重寒轻痰挟湿,胸痞呕恶总能除。

Hao qin qing dan tang(Sweet Wormwood and Scutellaria Gallbladder-Clearing Decoction )


Sweet wormwood 6g,  Bamboo shavings 9g , Pinellia tuber 5g , Red poria 9g,  Scutellaria root 8g,  Bitter orange 5g,  Tangerine peel 5g, Green Jade Powder 9g(namely powder of talc, licorice and natural indigo)          

  [DIRECTIONS]: Decoct the above herbs in water for oral administration. EFFECTS: Clearing the gallbladder and harmonizing the stomach by resolving dampness and phlegm.

[INDICATIONS] Malaria-like chill and fever with heavier chill and lighter fe­ver, oral bitter taste, distress of diaphragm, acid regurgitation, or vomiting with yellow mucous saliva, even retching and hiccup, distending pain of chest and hypo­chondrium, red tongue with white and greasy coating, slippery and rapid pulse of the right hand and taut and rapid pulse of the left hand.

[ANALYSIS OF FORMULA]: Being bitter flavor and cold nature with aromatic property, sweet wormwood is good at clearing away damp-heat from the gallblad­der and liver; scutellaria root can clear away heat from the gallbladder. They both act as the main herbs. Being sweet flavor and cool nature, bamboo shavings clears the gallbladder and stomach to relieve vomiting; tangerine peel, pinellia tuber can dry dampness and resolve phlegm as well as regulating qi for harmonizing the stomach;bitter orange activates qi to remove accumulation. They are the assistant herbs together. As the adjuvant and dispatcher herbs, red poria and Green Jade Powder can clear away heat and facilitate diurisis to conduct the gallbladder heat downwards, in which the licorice root harmonizes all the components.

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