Machixian is the dried above-ground part of Portulaca oleracea L., pertaining to Portulacaceae. It is collected in sumer and fall. After the left root and impurities are removed, it is washed for a while or scaled, and then sun dired.
[ Medicinal Properties ]: Sour and cold; relate to liver ad large intestine merridians.
[ Medicinal Efficacies ]: Clear heat,relieve toxicity; cool blood and stop dysentery.
[ Usage and Dosage ]: 9-15g. Fresh form 30-60 g. Also it is used externally.
[ Precautions ]: Aviod with diarrhea due to slippery intestie caused by deficiency-cold of spleen and stomach.
[ Clinical Applications ]: 1. Damp-heat, diarrhea, dysentery, heat toxin and blood dysentery Machixian treats abodminal pain, diarrhea, and dysentery, or pus and blood stools, tenesmus due to damp-heat in large intestine, by pounding the fresh one into juice for oral administration or combined with Huangqin and Huanglian.
2. Leucorrhea with reddish discharge, heat toxin, sores and ulcers By itself, it is used for oral administration as juice or decoction. Also it can treata ascess, swelling, sores and ulcers and erysipelas, singly or with other heat-clearing and toxicity-relieving medicinals, usually accompanied by pounding the fresh one to paste externally.
3. Heat stranguria, blood stranguria, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, hematochezia In case of metrorrhagia and metrostaxis due to accelerated blood circulation caused by blood heat, pound the fresh one into juice for oral administration. For hematochezia and hemorrhoid bleeding, usually it is combined with Diyu and Huaijiao.
马齿苋为马齿苋科植物马齿苋Portolaca oleracea L.的干燥地上部分。全国大部地区均产。夏、秋二季采收,除去残根和杂质,洗净,鲜用;或略蒸或烫后晒干后,切段入药。
【应用】 1.热毒血痢。本品性寒质滑,酸能收敛,入大肠经,具有清热解毒,凉血止痢之功,为治痢疾的常用药物,单用水煎服即效。亦常与粳米煮粥,空腹服食,治疗热毒血痢,如马齿粥(《圣惠方》);《经效产宝》单用鲜品捣汁入蜜调服,治疗产后血痢;若与黄芩、黄连等药配伍可治疗大肠湿热,腹痛泄泻,或下利脓血,里急后重者。
此外,本品还可用于湿热淋证、带下等。 【用法用量】煎服,9~15g,鲜品30~60g。外用适量,捣敷患处。
【古籍摘要】 1.《
【现代研究】 1.化学成分:本品含三萜醇类,黄酮类,氨基酸,有机酸及其盐,还有钙、磷、铁、硒、硝酸钾、硫酸钾等微量元素及其无机盐,以及硫胺素、核黄素,维生素B1、A,β-卜胡萝卜素、蔗糖、葡萄糖、果糖等。本品尚含有大量的L-去甲基肾上腺素和多巴胺及少量的多巴。
3.临床研究:据报道,马齿苋是治疗细菌性痢疾、急性胃肠炎、腹泻的常用药,对多种化脓性皮肤病和外科感染,如乳痈、疖肿、丹毒、蜂窝组织炎、足癣感染等也均有较好的疗效。近年来马齿苋还广泛用于治疗其他多种疾病,如:用鲜马齿苋为主,配伍苦参、紫草、土茯苓等药,随证加减,水煎服,再用鲜马齿苋煎水洗患处,治疗银屑病119例,治愈率63%,总有效率86%(实用中西医结合杂志 1995,2 :89);用马齿苋、砂仁,枳实、白术等治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎合并有肠上皮化生、不典型增生患者56例,近期临床治愈15例,总有效率为85.7%,(福建中医药1996,3:8);用鲜马齿苋捣取鲜汁加蜂蜜兑服,治疗胆道蛔虫所导致的剧烈腹痛、恶心、呕吐等,服药后约10余分钟缓解(中国民族民间医药杂志2000,总42期:61)。