Sheganis the dried rhizome of Belamcanda chinensis ( L ) DC., pertaining to Rutaceae. It is collected in early spring when it begins to sprout or in later fall after it withers. After the fibrous root, mud ad sand are removed, it is dreid, and then cut into slices. The raw form is used.
[ Medicinal Properties ]: Bitter and cold; relate to lung meridian.
[ Medicinal Efficacies ]: Clear heat, relieve toxicity; dispel phlegm and relieve sore throat.
[ Usage and Dosage ]: 3-9 g.
[ Precautions ]: Be cautious or avoid for pregnant woman.
[ Clinical Applications]: 1.Swollen and sore throat By itself or combined with Huangqin, Jiegeng and Gancao, it treats swollen and sore throat due to heat toxin and phlegm-fire. Also it treats external contraction of wind-heat, manifesting as sore-throat and hoarse voice, in combination with Jingjie, Lianqiao and Niubangzi.
2. Phlegm congestion, chough and dyspnea It treats cough and dyspnea due to lung heat with profuse yellow sputum, combined with Sangbaipi, Madouling and Jiegeng; for example in Shegan Douling Decoction. It treats asthma or produse sputum due to accumulation of cold phlegm, usually combined with Mahuang, xixin and Banxia; for example in Shegan Mahuang Decoction.
射干为鸢尾科植物射干Belamcanda chinensis (L.) DC,的干燥根茎。主产于湖北、河南、江苏、安徽等地。春初刚发芽或秋末茎叶枯萎时采挖,以秋季采收为佳。除去苗茎、须根及泥沙,洗净,晒干。切片,生用。
【应用】 1.咽喉肿痛。本品苦寒泄降,清热解毒,主入肺经,有清肺泻火,利咽消肿之功,为治咽喉肿痛常用之品。主治热毒痰火郁结,咽喉肿痛,可单用,如射干汤(《
【古籍摘要】 1.《
滇南本草》:“治咽喉肿痛,咽闭喉风,乳蛾,痄腮红肿,牙根肿烂,攻散疮痈一切热毒等症。” 3.《
【现代研究】 1.化学成分:本品含射干定、鸢尾苷、鸢尾黄酮苷、鸢尾黄酮、射干酮、紫檀素、草夹竹桃苷及多种二环三萜及其衍生物和苯酚类化合物等。