Unripened Bitter Orange, Macrostem and Cinnamon Twigs Decoction zhi shi xie bai gui zhi tang---枳实薤白桂枝汤-
[SOURCE]: Synopsis of the Golden Chamber
[INGREDIENTS]:Unripened bitter orange 12g, Magnolia bark 12g, Macrostem onion 9g, Cassia Twig 6g , Trichosanthes fruit 12g
[DIRECTIONS]: Decoct all the herbs in water for oral administration.
[EFFECTS]: Activating yang to disperse accumulation and promoting the circulation of qi to expel phlegm.
[INDICATIONS]: Chest blockage manifested by pectoral pain with stuffy chest, even the pectoral pain radiating to the back, accompanied by dyspnea, cough with abundant phlegm, shortness of breath, abnormal rising of qi from the lower, white and greasy coating of the tongue, deep and string-taut or tense pules.
[ANALYSIS OF FORMULA]: It is a common formula to treat syndrome of chest blockage due to weakness of chest-yang and phlegm-turbidity obstructing the middle. Unripened bitter orange lowers qi, removes accumulation and relieves stuffiness in the chest. Macrostem onion being pungent in flavor and warm in property has effects of activating yang, soothing the chest and dispersing accumulation. Cassia twig activates yang, expels cold and lowers the adverse flow of qi. The three herbs are principal herbs. Trichosanthes fruit resolves phlegm and disperses accumulation. Magnolia bark lowers qi and relieves fullness. The two herbs are used as adjuvant herbs. The combination of all herbs in the formula gets the result of activating chest-yang, dispersing cold-accumulation, expelling phlegm- turbidity and promoting functional activities of qi.
[SOURCE]: Synopsis of the Golen Chamber
[INGREDIENTS]: Trichosanthes fruit 12g, Macrostem onion 12g, Liquor proper amount(or 30 to 60 ml)
[DIRECTIONS]: Decoct all the ingredients in water for oral administration.
[EFFECTS]: Activating yang and dispersing accumlation, promoting the circulation of qi and resolving phlegm.
[INDICATIONS]: Syndrome of chest blockage marked by prctoral pain, even radiating to the back, dyspnea, cough with phlegm, shortness of breath, white and greasy coating, deep and string-taut pules of tense pulse.
(2) Trichosanthes, Macrostem and Pinellia Decoction (gua lou xie bai ban xia tang)---瓜蒌薤白半夏汤
【SOURCE:】 Synopsis of the Golden chamber
【INGREDIENTS】:Trichosanthes fruit 12g , macrostem onion 9g , Pinellia tuber 12g, Liquor (proper amout)
【DIRECTIONS】: Decoct all the ingredients in water for oral administration.
【EFFECTS】: It is similar to that of Decoction of Trichosanthes and Macrostem with Liquor, but the effects of expelling phlegm and dispersing accumulation is stronger than those of the former.
【INDICAGIONS】: Syndrome of chest blockage due to severe accumulation or phlegm-turbidity marked by pectoral pain with extreme stuffiness, radiating to the back and inability to lie down.
The three formulae above-mentioned can be used for syndrome of chest blockage.
Decoction of Unripened Bitter Orange, Macrostem and Cinnamon Twigs has stronger effects of activating yang and dispersing accumulation, it is suitable for chest blockage due to inter-coagulation of phlegm and qi accompanied by abnormal rising of qi from the lower.
Decoction of Trichosanthes and Macrostem with Liquor stresses on activating yang, dispersing accumulation and promoting the circulation of qi to resolve phlegm. It is used for syndrome of chest blockage manifested as mild case of phiegm-turbidity.
Decoction of Trichosanthes, Macrostem and Pinellia is good at expelling phlegm and removing accumulation, and is indicated to syndrome of chest blockage with abundant phlegm-turbidity.