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Zihuadiding ( Violae/ Violet Herb )---紫花地丁(powder100g/bottle)

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Product Description


Zihuadiding is the dried whole plant of Viola yedoensis Makino, pertaining to Violaceae. It is collected in spring and fall. After the impurities are removed, it is washed and cut into pieces. It is used in the fresh or raw forms after dired.

[ Medicinal Properties ]: Bitter, pungent and cold; relate to heart and liver meridians.

[ Medicinal Efficacies ]: Clear heat, relieve toxicity; cure abscess and dissipate nodulation.

[ Usage and Dosage ]: 15-30g. Also it is used externally.

[ Precautions ]: Avoid with deficiency-cold.
[ Clinical Applications ]: 1. Heat toxin, sore and ulcers, acute mastitis and intestinal abscess     Zihuadiding is good at treating deep-rooted boil. It treats abscess, deep-rooted boil and erysipelas by pounding the fresh one to take juice or oral adminstration and externally paste the dregs, or combined with Jinyihua, Pugongying and Yejuhua; for example in Wuwei Xiaodu Decoction. It treats acute mastitis usually combined with Pugongying by taking decoction and pasting dregs externally. Also it treats intestinal abscess, usually in combination with Dahuang and Hongteng.
2. Bites by poisonous snake    Pound the fresh one to take juice for oral adminstration or add few xionghuang into its dregs, pound, and then paste externally to treat bites by poison snake.
Beside, it treats reddish and swollen eyes with pain, combined with Juhua and Chantui.

紫花地丁为堇菜科植物紫花地丁Viola yedoensis Makino的干燥全草。产于我国长江下游至南部各省。春秋二季采收,除去杂质,洗净,切碎,鲜用或干燥生用。
【应用】        1.疔疮肿毒,乳痈肠痈。本品苦泄辛散,寒能清热,入心肝血分,故能清热解毒,凉血消肿,消痈散结,为治血热壅滞,痈肿疮毒,红肿热痛的常用药物,尤以治疔毒为其特长。用治痈肿、疔疮、丹毒等,可单用鲜品捣汁内服,以渣外敷;也可配金银花、蒲公英、野菊花等清热解毒之品,如五味消毒饮(《医宗金鉴》);用治乳痈,常与蒲公英同用,煎汤内服,并以渣外敷,或熬膏摊贴患处,均有良效;用治肠痈,常与大黄、红藤、白花蛇舌草等同用。       
【古籍摘要】        1.《本草纲目》:“治一切痈疽发背,疔疮瘰疬,无名肿毒,恶疮。       
【现代研究】        1.化学成分:本品含苷类、黄酮类。全草含棕榈酸、反式对羟基桂皮酸、丁二酸、二十四酞对羟基苯乙胺、山柰酚-3-O-鼠李吡喃糖苷和蜡,蜡中含饱和酸、不饱和酸、醇类及烃。        2.药理作用:本品有明显的抗菌作用。对结核杆菌、痢疾杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、肺炎球菌、皮肤真菌及钩端螺旋体有抑制作用。有确切的抗病毒作用。实验证明,其提取液对内毒素有直接摧毁作用。本品尚有解热、消炎、消肿等作用。       
【其他】《中国药典》2000年版将上药定为紫花地丁药材的正品。本品药材商品较为复杂,异物同名品甚多。在不同地区还有将豆科植物米口袋Gueldenstaedtia multiflora Bunge和小米口袋G. verna(Georgi)Boriss.的全草亦作为紫花地丁使用,又称甜地丁。另有罂粟科植物地丁紫堇Corydalis bungeana Turcz.作为苦地丁使用,不属此类,应予鉴别。

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