The source is from the dried bark and bark of branch, root of Magnolia officinalis Rehd. et Wils.or Magnolia officinalis Wils.var. biloba Rehd. et Wils., family Magonoliaeae. It is skined during April , May and June. The crude one may be used or the prepared one with ginger juice is used.
[ Medicinal Properties ]: Pungent, bitter and warm; relate to spleen, stomach, lung and large intestine meridians
[ Medicinal Efficacies ]: Dry dampness, eliminate phlegm; drive qi downward, remove stuffiness.
[ Usage and Dosage ]: 3-9g. It can also be created into pill or powder form.
[ Prautions ]: Careful use in qi deficiency with fluid consumption or pregnancy because it is pungent, bitter and warm and dry which is subject to damaging qi and fluid.
[ Clinical Applications ]: 1. Retention of dampess in the middle energizer, epigastric and abdominal stuffiness It is pungent, dry and can move qi downward, so it is the essential medicinal for stuffiness of retention of dampness and qi stagnation. It is usually combined with Cangzhu and Chenpi, etc,.such as in Pingwei Powder.
2. Food accumulation and qi stagnation, abdominal distending sensation and constipation It is usually combined with Dahuang and Zhishi to make up Houpo Sanwu Tang. For constipation of heat accumulation, it is used together with Dahuang, Mangxiao and Zhishi, such as in Dachengqi Decoction.
3. Dyspnea and cough due to phlegm and fluid It can dry dampness, eliminate phlegm, move qi downward and relieve dyspnea. For dyspnea and cough with oppression in chest due to retention of phlegm and fluid in the lung inducing lung qi not moving downward, it is combined with Suzi, Chenpi and Banxia, etc., such as in Suzi Jiangqi Decoction. For dyspnea due to exogenous wind-cold, it is combined with Guizhi and Xingren, etc., such as in Guizhi Jia Houpo Xingzi Decoction.
[ Medicinal Comparison]:Similarities:Houpo and Cangzhu are both pungent, bitter , warm and dry. For retention of dampness in the middle energizer , they can reinforce mutually.
Differences: Houpo is bitter which can move qi downward and it is the essential medicinal to remove stuffiness. It ca also remove phlegm and relieve dyspnea. So it can to indicated to treat epigastric and abdominal stuffiness, constipation, cough, dyspnea, profuse phlegm due to retention of dampness, qi stagnation, food accumulation. CangZhu is the essential medicinal of drying dampness and invigorating spleen. Besides , it can dispel wind-damp, release exterior and improve visioin. So it can be indicated to treat bisyndrome of wind-damp, exterior wind-cold syndrome with damp and night blindness.
Hou Po Hua: The source is from dried bud of Officinal Magnolia Flower. It is bitter than slightly warm. It has actions of promoting qi flow, soothing the middle and resolving damp, which are similar to houpo but mild. It is mainly indicated to treat stuffiness and pain of chest and abdomen and poor appetite with greasy coating due to retention of dampness and qi stagnation in the spleen and stomach. The usage amount is about 3-9g.
厚朴为木兰科植物厚朴Magnolia officinalis Wils.或凹叶厚朴M. O. Wils.Var. biloba Rehd. et Wils.的干燥干皮、根皮及枝皮。主产于四川、湖北等地。4~6月剥取,根皮及枝皮直接阴干,干皮置沸水中微煮后堆置阴湿处,“发汗”至内表面变紫褐色或棕褐色时,蒸软取出,卷成筒状,干燥。切丝,姜制用。
【药性】苦、辛,温。归脾、胃、肺、大肠经。 【功效】燥湿消痰,下气除满。
【应用】 1.湿阻中焦,脘腹胀满。本品苦燥辛散,能燥湿,又下气除胀满,为消除胀满的要药。常与苍术、陈皮等同用,如
【用法用量】煎服,3~10g。或入丸、散。 【使用注意】本品辛苦温燥湿,易耗气伤津,故气虚津亏者及孕妇当慎用。
【古籍摘要】 1.《
神农本草经》:“主中风伤寒,头痛,寒热,惊悸,气血痹,死肌,去三虫。” 2.《
名医别录》:“主温中,益气,消痰下气,治霍乱及腹痛,胀满,胃中冷逆,胸中呕逆不止,泄痢,淋露,除惊,去留热,止烦满,厚肠胃。” 3.《
【现代研究】 1.化学成分:含挥发油约1%,油中主要含β-桉油醇和厚朴酚。此外,还含有少量的木兰箭毒碱、厚朴碱及鞣质等。
附药 厚朴花 Houpohua 为厚朴的干燥花蕾。于春季花末开放时采摘,稍蒸后,晒干或低温干燥。性味苦微温,善于理气宽中,芳香化湿,其功似厚朴而力缓,主治脾胃湿阻气滞之胸腹胀满疼痛,纳少苔腻等证,常与藿香、佩兰等配伍同用。用量3~9g。