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Peilan ( Fortune Eupatorium Herb)---佩兰(powder100g/bottle)

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Product Description


The source is from the aerial part of a perennial herb, Eupatorium fortunei Turcz., family Compositae. It is collected in the summer and autumn. The fresh being cut into segments is used for medication.

[ Medicinal Properties ]: Pungent and neutral; relate to the spleen, stomach and lung meridians.

[ Medicinal Efficacies ]: Resolve damp and clear summer-heat.

[ Usage and Dosage ]: 3-9g. The amount of the freshis doubled.

[ Clinical Applications ]: 1. Retention of dampness in the middle energizer      Its action of resolving damp and harmonizing the middle is similar to Huoxiang and both are usually used altogether to treat retention of dampness in the middle energizer in combination with Cangzhu, Houpo and Doukou, etc. For damp-heat in the spleen meridian manifested as sweatness and greasiness in the mouth, plenty of saliva and foul breath,etc., it can be used alone or together with Huangqin, Baishao and Gancao, etc.

2. Early stage of summer-damp and damp-warm syndromes     It can both resolve damp and clear summer-heat. For summer-damp, it is usually combined with Huoxiang, Heye and Qinghao,etc. For the early stage of damp-warm, it is in combination with Huashi, Yiyiren and Huoxiang, etc.

佩兰为菊科植物佩兰Eupatorium fortunei Turcz. 的干燥地上部分。主产于江苏、浙江、河北等地。夏、秋二季分两次采割。切段生用,或鲜用。

【药性】辛,平。归脾、胃、肺经。        【功效】化湿,解暑。       
【应用】        1.湿阻中焦。本品气味芳香,其化湿和中之功与藿香相似,治湿阻中焦之证,每相须为用,并配苍术、厚朴、蔻仁等,以增强芳香化湿之功。又因其性平,芳香化湿浊,去陈腐,用治脾经湿热,口中甜腻、多涎、口臭等的脾瘅症,可单用煎汤服,如兰草汤(《素问》),或配伍黄芩、白芍、甘草等药。       
【古籍摘要】        1.《神农本草经》:“主利水道,杀蛊毒,辟不洋。久服益气,轻身不老,通神明。”       
【现代研究】        1.化学成分:全草含挥发油0.5%~2%。油中含聚伞花素(对异丙基甲苯)、乙酸橙花醇酯,叶含香豆精、邻香豆酸、麝香草氢醌。其它尚含有三萜类化合物。       

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