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Tianzhuhuang (Tabasheer)---天竺黄

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Product Description

It is the dried concretion of secretion from the stems of Bambusa textilis McCI ure or Schizostachyum chinense Rendle, family Gramineae. It is collected in autumn and winter from chopped bamboo stems. It is used in raw form.

[ Medicinal Properties ]: Sweet and cold; relate to heart, liver and gallbladder meridians.

[ Medicinal Efficacies ]: Clear heat and resolve phlegm; clear heart-fire and stop convulsion.

[ Clinical Applications ]: 1. Phlegm-heat syndrome in heart and liver meridians      For infantile convulsions due to phlegm-heat, it is combined with Shexiang and Dannanxing; for apoplexy due to phlegm accumulation and epilepsy, with Huaglian and Yujin; for fever, delirium and coma, with Niuhuang and Lianqiao.

2. Phlegm-heat with cough and dyspnea       It is combined with Gualou, Zhebeimu and Sangbaipi to treat them.

[ Usage and Dosage ]: 3-9g. It is ground into powder for oral administration with 0.6-1g for each time.

天竺黄为禾本科植物青皮竹Bambusa textilis McClure或华思劳竹Schizostachyum chinense Rendle等杆内分泌液干燥后的块状物。主产于云南、广东、广四等地。秋冬二季采收。砍破竹杆,取出生用。

       【药性】甘,寒。归心、肝经。        【功效】清热化痰,清心定惊。       
【应用】        1.小儿惊风,中风癫痫,热病神昏。本品清化热痰,清心定惊之功与竹沥相似而无寒滑之弊。治小儿痰热惊风,常配麝香、胆南星、辰砂等,如抱龙丸(《小儿药证直诀》);治中风痰壅、痰热癫痫等,常配黄连、菖蒲、郁金等;治热病神昏谵语,可配牛黄、连翘、竹叶卷心等。       
【古籍摘要】        1.《开宝本草》:“治小儿惊风天吊,镇心明目,去诸风热。疗金疮。止血,滋养五脏。”       
【现代研究】        1.化学成分:本品含甘露醇、硬脂酸、竹红菌甲素、竹红菌乙素,还含头孢素和硬脂酸乙酯及氢氧化押,硅质等。       

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