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Aiye ( Argy Wormwood Leaf)---艾叶 (Powder100g/bottle)

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Product Description


It is the leaf of Artemisia argyi Levl. et Vant., family Compositae. It is collected during summer when the flower has not blossomed. The impurities removed, it is dried in the sun or in shade. The crude, the pounded into wool or the carbonized can be used.

[ Medicinal Properties ]: Bitter, pungent, warm; relate to liver, spleen and kidney meridians.

[ Meidicnal Efficacies ]: Stop bleeding by warming meridians; expel cold and alleviate pain.

[ Clinical Applications ]: 1. Deficiency and coldcausing bleeding       Aiye can warm the meridians and stop bleeding, and is utilized in the treatment of bleeding syndromes due to deficiency and cold, especially for metrorrhagia and metrostaxis. It could be decocted alone or combined with Ejiao, Baishao, Dihuang, such as in JIao' ai Decoction. When combined with Shengdihuang, Shengheye, Shengbaiye, it could be used for bleeding due to blood heat.

2. Irregular menstruation, menstrual pain and abdominal pain and cold      Aiye could relieve pain through warming meridians, especially for irregular menstruation and is the most significant medicinal for asthenia-cold of the lower energizer or cold attacking uterus. It is usually combined with Xiangfu, Danggui, Baishao, such as in Aifu Nuangong Pill.

Aiye could also be made into moxa stick which i put over the acupoints and ignited to promote circulation of qi and the blood in the channels by warming meridians.

[ Usage and Dosage ] ; 3-9g, The appropriate amout for external application. To warm the meridians and stop bleeding, it is better to be stir-baked to charcoal; to disperse cold and relieve pain, better to be used in its raw form.

艾叶为菊科植物艾Artemisia argyi Levl. et Vent.的叶。全国大部分地区均产。以湖北蕲州产者为佳,称“蕲艾”。夏季花未开时采摘,除去杂质,晒干或阴干,生用、捣绒或制炭用。

【药性】辛、苦,温。有小毒。归肝、脾、肾经。        【功效】温经止血,散寒调经,安胎。       
【应用】        1.出血证。本品气香味辛,温可散寒,能暖气血而温经脉,为温经止血之要药,适用于虚寒性出血病证,尤宜于崩漏。主治下元虚冷,冲任不固所致的崩漏下血,可单用本品,水煎服,或配阿胶、芍药、干地黄等同用,如胶艾汤(《金匮要略》)。本品温经止血,配伍生地、生荷叶、生柏叶等清热凉血药,可治疗血热妄行所致的吐血、衄血、咯血等多种出血证,如四生丸(《妇人大全良方》)。艾叶之用,既可加强止血,又可防大队寒凉药物而致凉遏留瘀之弊。       
【古籍摘要】        1.《名医别录》:“主灸百病,可作煎,止下痢,吐血,下部疮,妇人漏血,利阴气,生肌肉,辟风寒,使人有子。”“生寒熟热。主下血,衄血,脓血痢,水煮及丸散任用。”       
【现代研究】        1.化学成分:本品主要为挥发油、倍半萜类、环木菠烷型三萜及黄酮类化合物等。       

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