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Sangye ( Mulberry Leaf )---桑叶(powder100g/bottle)

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Product Description


Sangye is the dried leaf of Morus alba L,pertaining to Moraceae. It is collected after the first frost.after the impurities are removed, It is sun dried. the raw form is used or after fried with honey.

[ Medicinal Properties ]: Sweet, bitter and cold; relate to lung and liver meridians.

[Medicinal Efficaies ]: Dispel wind-heat, clear lung, moisten dryness, pacify liver and subdue yang, clear liver and improve vision.

[ Usage and Dosage ]: 5-9 g. also it is used in pills and powder. for external application, it is decocted to wash eyes.
[ Cliniccal Applications ]: 1. external contraction of wind-heat and early stage of warm disease      Sangye treats cold due to wind heat or warm pathogen attacking lung in the early stage of warm disease, both manifesting as fever, itching throat and cough, in combination with Juhua, Bohe andJegeng, such as in Sangju Decoction.
2. Cough due to lung heat or dry heat     It treats lung heat or dry heat damaging lung, manifestinng as cough, scanty and sticky sputum of yellow color, or dry cough, scanty sputum, itching throat. For the mild case , it is in combinatin with Xingren, Shashen and Beimu; for example in Sangxin Decoction, while for the sever case, in combination with raw Shigao, Maidong, Ejiao, such as in  Qingfei Jiuzao Decoction.
3. Hyperactivity of liver yang     It is indicated for hyperactivity of liver yang, with headache, dizziness ,irritation, bad temper, in combination with Juhua, Shijuemiing and Baishao.
4. Reddish eyes and blurred vision    For wind-heat up attacking, up-flaming of liver fire, anifesting as reddish eyes, astringent pain, tearing , it is used with Juhua, Chantui and Xiakucao.
Also by itself it can cool blood and stop bleeding, to treat mild case of haematemesis due to blood heat, or in comination with other blood-cooling hemostatic.

桑叶为桑科植物桑Morus alba L.的干燥叶。我国各地大都有野生或栽培。初霜后采收,除去杂质,晒干。生用或蜜炙用。
【应用】        1.风热感冒,温病初起。本品甘寒质轻,轻清疏散,虽疏散风热作用较为缓和,但又能清肺热、润肺燥,故常用于风热感冒,或温病初起,温热犯肺,发热、咽痒、咳嗽等症,常与菊花相须为用,并配伍连翘、薄荷、桔梗等药,如桑菊饮(《温病条辨》)。       
【古籍摘要】        1.《神农本草经》:“除寒热,出汗。”       
 【现代研究】        1.化学成分:本品含脱皮固酮、芸香苷、桑苷、槲皮素、异槲皮素、东莨菪素、东莨菪苷等。       
2.药理作用:鲜桑叶煎剂体外试验对金黄色葡萄球菌、乙型溶血性链球菌等多种致病菌有抑制作用,煎剂有抑制钩端螺旋体的作用。对多种原因引起的动物高血糖症均有降糖作用,所含脱皮固酮能促进葡萄糖转化为糖元,但不影响正常动物的血糖水平,脱皮激素还能降低血脂水平。对人体能促进蛋白质合成,排除体内胆固醇,降低血脂。        3.临床研究:①桑芦汤(桑叶20g,芦根60g,鱼腥草60g,白茅根60g,刺黄柏30g)水煎服(鲜品更好),日1剂,连续服药,定期复查,治愈后停药,疗程一般14~47天,共治疗肺脓肿72例,疗效较好(华西医学,1993,8(2):158)。

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