[ Weight ]: 1Ib/bag
Zisuye is the dried leaf or that with tender twig of Perilla frutescens(L.)Britt,pertaining to Labiatae.It is collected in summer and fall.after the impurities are removed,it is sun dried.the raw form is used.
[ Medicinal Pfoperties ]: Pungent and warm; relate to lung and spleen meridians.
[ Medicinal Efficacies ]: Dispel cold, release superficies; promote qi flow,soothe the middle; remove toxin of fish and crab.
[ Usage and Dosage ]: 5-9 g. Avoid long time decocting.
[ Clinical Applications ]: 1. External contraction of wind-cold Zisuye is mild in dispelling cold, and good at treating external contraction of wind-cold with qi stagnation ,which manifests as fullness of chest and stomach, nausea and vomiting, in combination with Xiangfu and Chenpi; for example in Xiangsu Powder. Also it treats external contraction of wind-cold accompanied with cough and profuse sputum, in combination with Xinren and Jiegeng; for example Xingsu Powder.
2. Qi stagnation in spleen and stomach, oppression in chest, vomiting of pregnancy It treats distending and fullness of chest and stomach, nausea and vomiting due to qi stagnation in the middle energizer. Also it treats that accompanied with cold, in combination with Sharen and Dingxiang; For that accompanied with heat, it is in combination with Huanglian and Lugen. It is indicated for upward reflex of fetus qi, which manifests as oppression in chest, vomiting and threatened abortion, in combination with Sharen and Chenqi. In case of plum-stone disease due to stagnation of seven emotions leading to phlegm congealing and qi stagnation, it is in combination with Banxia, Houpo and Fuling; for example in Banxia Houpo Decoction.
3. Intoxication by fish or crab, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea By itself or in combination with Shengjiang and Huoxiang.
Zisugeng: is the dried stem of Zisu.Pungent and slightly warm. it relates to lung and spleen meridians. it can proote qi flow and soothe the middle, stop pain and prevent abortion. to treat fulness in the chest and diaphragm, stomach pain and thereatened abortion,the dosage is 5-9 g.
紫苏为唇形科植物紫苏Perilla frutescens(L.)Britt.的茎、叶,其叶称紫苏叶,其茎称紫苏梗。我国南北均产。夏秋季采收。除去杂质,晒干,生用。
【应用】 1.风寒感冒。本品辛散性温,发汗解表散寒之力较为缓和,轻证可以单用,重证须与其他发散风寒药合用。因其外能解表散寒,内能行气宽中,且略兼化痰止咳之功,故风寒表证而兼气滞,胸脘满闷、恶心呕逆,或咳喘痰多者,较为适宜。治疗前者,常配伍香附、陈皮等药,如香苏散(《和剂局方》)。治疗后者,每与杏仁、桔梗等药同用,如
【古籍摘要】 1.《
【现代研究】 1.化学成分:本品含挥发油,其中主要为紫苏醛、左旋柠檬烯及少量a-蒎烯等。
附药 紫苏梗 为紫苏的茎。性味辛、甘,微温。归肺、脾、胃经。功能宽胸利膈,顺气安胎。适用于胸腹气滞、痞闷作胀及胎动不安、胸胁胀痛等症。