Jinyinhua is the dried bud or that with early blossoming flower of Lonicera japonica Thunb., pertaining to Caprifoliaceae. It is collected in early summer before blossom, and is dried. The raw form is used. Also it is used after stir-baked or processed ito daw form.
[ Medicinal Properties ]: Sweet and cold; relate to lung, heart and stomach meridians.
[ Medicinal Efficacies ]: Clear heat, relieve toxicity; diperse wind and discharge heat.
[ Usage and Dosage ]: 6-5g. It is stir-baked to charcoal for blood dysentery. Also it is used externally.
[ Precautions ]: Avoid with deficiency-cold of spleen ad stomach, as well as diluted pus in sores and ulcers due to qi deficiency.
[ Clinical Applications ]: 1. Ulcers, abscess, furuncle,and swelling Jinyinhua is the most significant medicinal to treat internal abscess and external abscess, by itself or by pounding the fresh one for external application. Also it can be used with Yejuhua, Pugongying and Zihuadiding; for example inn Wuwei Xiaodu Decoction. it treats abdominal pain due to intestinal abscess, combined with Danggui, Yiyiren and Huangqin.
2. External contraction of wind-heat, and early stage of warm disease For external contraction of wind-heat or ealry stage of warm disease, manifesting as fever, headache, sore thorat and thirst, ususally it is combined with Lianqiao, Bohe and Niubangzi; for example in Yinqiao Powder. It treats entering of heat into qi level, manifesting as high fever, agitation, thirst, surging and large pulse, combined with Shigao, Zhimu and Lianqiao. Also it treats entering of heat into nutrient and blood level, manifesting as purple tongue, coma, agitation and insomnia, in combination with Shengdihuang, Xuanshen and Danshen in Qingying Decoctiong, for it can push heat out from nutrient through qi.
3. Heat toxin and blood dysentery It is applied alone by processing the fresh one into condensed decoction, to be taken in small doses at short intervals, or in combinatin with Huangqin, Huanglian and Baitouweng.
Also it can be processed into dew, to clear heat, relieve summer-heat, clear head and eyes. It can treat agitation and thirst due to summer-heat, swollen and sore throat, infantile herpes simplex and heat rash.
[ Annotation ]:Ren dong teng :Rendongteng is the dried stem of honeysuckle, also known as Yinhuateng. In fall and winter, cut the twig with leaves and sun dry. The raw form is used. Sweet and bitter. it relate to lung and stomach meridians. its property is similar to that of Jinyinhua, but weaker in clearing heat and relieving toxicity. Also it can disperse wind and unblock collaterals to treat warm disease,fever, heat toxin, blood dysentery, abscess,swelling, sores and ulcers, wind-damp-heat arthralgia with reddish, swollen and pain joints. Dosage 9-30 g.
金银花为忍冬科植物忍冬Lonicera japonica Thund.、红腺忍冬L. hypoglauca Miq.、山银花L. confusa DC.或毛花柱忍冬L. dasystyla Rehd.的干燥花蕾或带初开的花。我国南北各地均有分布,主产于河南、山东等省。夏初花开放前采摘,阴干。生用,炒用或制成露剂使用。
【应用】 1.痈肿疔疮。本品甘寒,清热解毒,散痈消肿,为治一切内痈外痈之要药。治疗痈疮初起,红肿热痛者,可单用本品煎服,并用渣敷患处,亦可与皂角刺、穿山甲、白芷配伍,如
【用法用量】煎服,6~15g。疏散风热、清泄里热以生品为佳;炒炭宜用于热毒血痢;露剂多用于暑热烦渴。 【使用注意】脾胃虚寒及气虚疮疡脓清者忌用。
【古籍摘要】 1.《本草拾遗》:“主热毒、血痢、水痢、浓煎服之。”
【现代研究】 1.化学成分:本品含有挥发油、木犀草素、环己六醇、黄酮类、肌醇、皂苷、鞣质等。分离出的绿原酸和异绿原酸是本品抗菌的主要成分。
附药 忍冬藤 为忍冬科植物忍冬Lonicera japonica Thund.的干燥茎枝,又名银花藤。秋冬割取带叶的嫩枝,晒干,生用。味甘,性寒,归肺、胃经,其功效与金银花相似。本品解毒作用不及金银花,但有清热疏风,通络止痛的作用,故常用于温病发热,风湿热痹,关节红肿热痛,屈伸不利等症。煎服,9~30g。