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ShiJunzi (Rangooncreeper Fruit)---使君子

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Product Description


This Medicinal is the dried ripe fruit of Quisqualis indica L. (fam. Combretaceae). It is harvested in September and October when the pericarp turns purple or dark and dried by natural sulight. The peeled seeds are used unprocessed or stir-baked till it smells sweet.

[ Medicinal Properties ]: Sweet, warm; relate to spleen and sotmach meridians.

[ Medicinal Efficacies ]: Destroy parasites; remove food stagnation.

[ Clinical Applications ]: Ascariasis,infantile malnutrition with accumulation       Sweet in smell,  not bitter, without daaging healthy qi, Shijunzi is especially appropriate for infants. For mild cases, it can be chewed and swallowed by itself; however, in server cases, it is combined with Kulianpi and Binglang to improve its therapeutic effects. To treat infantile malnutrition with accumulation manifested as emaciation, it is often used in combination with Dangshen, Baizhu and Jineijin.

[ Usage and Dosage ]: 9-12g. For children, the recommended dose is 1-1.5grains per day 0per age with the maximum total dose being 20 grains.

[ Precautions ]: Large-dosage administration of Shijunzi may cause hiccup, dizziness and vomiting. If it is taken with hot tea, hiccup may also occur.

【应用】        1.蛔虫病,蛲虫病。本品味甘气香而不苦,性温又入脾胃经,既有良好的驱杀蛔虫作用,又具缓慢的滑利通肠之性,故为驱蛔要药,尤宜于小儿。轻证单用本品炒香嚼服;重证可与苦楝皮、槟榔等同用,如使君子散(《证治准绳》);用治蛲虫,可与百部、槟榔、大黄等同用。       
 【古籍摘要】        1.《开宝本草》:“主小儿五疳,小便白浊,杀虫,疗泻痢。”       
【现代研究】        1.化学成分:种仁含使君子氨酸,约0.5%,以钾盐形式存在,即使君子酸钾;脂肪油23.9%,油中含油酸48.2%,棕榈酸29.2%,硬脂酸9.1%,肉豆蔻酸4.5%及花生酸、甾醇等。       

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