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HeZi (Medicine Terminalia Fruit)---诃子

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Product Description


It is the dried mature fruit of Terminalia chebula Retz., or Terminalia chebula Retz. Var. tomentella Kurt.,family Fructus quisqualis. It can be collected in autumn and winter, tied and dried in the sunshine. The raw or roasted form is utilized as a medicine. The core should be taken off when the flesh is used.

[Medicinal Properties]: Bitter, sour, astringent and neutral; relate to the lung and large intestine meridians.

[Medicinal Efficacies]: Astringe the intestines and lung; drive fire downward and benefit the throat.

[Clinical Applications]:

  1. Prolonged diarrhea and dysentery For prolonged diarrhea and dysentery, it is usually used alone, such as in the formula Helile Powder; for prolonged diarrhea and dysentery due to deficiency-cold, it is often together with Ganjiang, Yingsuqiao, and Chenpi, such as in the formula Hezipi Decoction; for prolonged diarrhea and dysentery due to sinking of middle qi, it is often used with Renshen, Huangqi, Shengma; for fresh blood in stool, it is used together with Fangfeng, Qinjiao and Baizhi. 

       2. Prolonged cough, loss of voice It is the essential medicinal for treating for aphonia. In treating prolonged cough, aphonia due to lung deficiency, it can be used with Renshen, and Wuweizi; for prolonged cough and aphonia due to phlegm-heat accumulation in the lung, in combination with Jiegen, Gancao, such as in the formula Hezi Decoction; for prolonged cough and aphonia, swollen sore throat, it can be used with Pengsuan, Qingdai and Bingpian.

[Usage and Dosage]: 3-10g is used in decoction. It must be roasted for astringing intestines to stop diarrhea, the raw form is used for astringing lung, clearing heat, benefiting the throat and restoring voice.

[Precautions]: It is contraindicated in those patients with exogenous factors and stagnation of damp heat inside.

诃子为使君子科植物诃子 Terminalia chebula Retz.的成熟果实。主产于云南及 广东、广西等地。秋冬二季采取。晒干。生用或煨用。若用果肉,则去核。

【应用】        1.久泻,久痢。本品酸涩性收,入于大肠,善能涩肠止泻,为治疗久泻、久痢之常用药物。可单用,如诃黎勒散(《金匮要略》)。若久泻、久痢属虚寒者, 常与干姜、罂粟壳、陈皮配伍,如诃子皮饮(《兰室秘藏》)。 本品酸涩之性,又能涩肠固脱,涩肠止血。 配伍人参、黄芪、升麻等药,可用于泻痢日久,中气下陷之脱肛;若配伍防风、秦艽、白芷等药,可治肠风证,如治肠风泻血丸(《本草汇言》)。       
【古籍摘要】        1.《药性论》:“通利津液,主胸膈结气,止水道,黑须发。”       
 2.《本草经疏》:“诃黎勒其味苦涩,其气温而无毒。 苦所以泄,涩所以收,温所以通,性敛故能主冷气,心腹胀满;惟温故下食。甄权用以止水道,萧炳用以止肠澼久泄,苏颂用以疗肠风泻血、带下,朱震亨用以实大肠,无非苦涩收敛,治标之功也”。       
 【现代研究】        1.化学成分:本品含大量鞣质(可达20~40%),其主要成分为诃子酸、原诃子酸等。尚含诃子素、鞣酸酶、番泻苷A等。       
 2.药理作用:诃子所含鞣质有收敛、止泻作用,除鞣质外,还含有致泻成分,故与大黄相似,先致泻而后收敛。诃子水煎剂(100%)除对各种痢疾杆菌有效外,且对绿脓杆菌、白喉杆菌作用较强,对金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、肺炎球菌、溶血性链球菌、变形杆菌、鼠伤寒杆菌均有抑制作用。用盐酸、乙醚提取的乙醇提取物具有更强的抗菌及抗真菌作用。乙酸乙酯、丁酮、正丁醇和水的提取物、大剂量诃子苯和氯仿提取物具有强心作用。 从干果中用80%乙醇提得的诃子素,对平滑肌有罂粟碱样的解痉作用。       

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