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Zhizi ( Cape-jasmine Fruit )---栀子

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Product Description


Zhizi is the ripened fruit of Gardenia Jasminoides Ellis, pertaining to Rubiaceae. It is collected from September to November when fruit ripens with red yellow color. After fruit stalk and impurities are removed, it is mild steamed or scalded, and then dried. The raw form is used, or after stir-baked to brown as well asstir-baked to charcoal.

[ Medicinal Properties ]: Bitter and cold; relate to heart, lung and triple energizer meridians.

[ Usage and Dosage ]: 5-10 g. Also it can be used externally.

[ Medicinal Efficacies ]: Purge fire, relieve agitation ; clear fire, drain dampness, cool blood and relieve toxicity.

[ Precautions ]: Be cautious with loose stool due to spleen insufficiency.
[Clinical Applications ]: 1. Warm disease and agitation    Zhizi is the most significant medicinal to treat agitation and uneasiness in warm disease, usually in combination with dandouchi; for example in Zhizichi Decoction. For prosperous fire toxin of warm disease and fever in triple energizers, with symptoms as high fever, agitation, coma and delirium, it is usually in combination with Huangqin, Huanglian, Huangbo; for example in Huanglian Jiedu Decoction.
2.Damp-heat and jaundice    It is indicated for accumulation of damp-heat in liver and gallbladder, manifesting as jaundice, fever, scanty and reddish urine, usually in combination with Yinchen and Dahuang; for example in Yinchenhao Decoction.
3. Blood stranguria and astringent pain    In case of blood stranguria with astringent pain or heat stranguria, it is usually combined with Mutong, Cheqianzi, Huashi; for example in Bazheng Powder.
4.Blood heat, hematemesis and epistaxis    For hematemesis and epistaxis due to blood heat, it is usually in combination with Baimaogen, dahuang, Cebaiye; for example in Shihui Powder.
5. Swollen and reddish eyes with pain, fire toxin, sores and ulcers      It treats swollen and reddish eyes with pain due to up-stirrig fire of liver and gallbladder, usually combined with Dahuang. Also it can treat sores and ulcers due to fire toxin with symptoms of reddish swelling with pain, usually combined with Jinyinghua, Lianqiao and Pugongying.

栀子为茜草科植物栀子Gardenia jasminoides Ellis的干燥成熟果实。产于长江以南各省。9—11月果实成熟显红黄色时采收。生用、炒焦或炒炭用。
【应用】        1.热病心烦。本品苦寒清降,能清泻三焦火邪、泻心火而除烦,为治热病心烦、躁扰不宁之要药,可与淡豆豉同用,如栀子豉汤(《伤寒论》);若配黄芩、黄连、黄柏等,可用治热病火毒炽盛,三焦俱热而见高热烦躁、神昏谵语者,如黄连解毒汤(《外台秘要》)。       
【古籍摘要】        1.《神农本草经》:“主五内邪气,胃中热气,面赤酒疱齄鼻,白癞赤癞疮疡。”       
【现代研究】        1.化学成分:本品含异栀子苷、去羟栀子苷、栀子酮苷、山栀子苷、京尼平苷酸及黄酮类栀子素、三萜类化合物藏红花素和藏红花酸、熊果酸等。       

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