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Manjingzi ( Shrub Chastetree Fruit)---蔓荆子

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Product Description


 Manjingzi is the dried ripened fruit of vitex trifolia L. simplicifolia Cham. or Vitex trifolia L., pertaining to Verbenaceae. It is colleted in fall when the fruit is ripe. After the impurities are removed, it is  sun dried. The raw form is used or after stir-baked.

[ Medicinal Properties ]: Pungent, bitter and slightly cold; relate to bladder, liver and stomach meridians. 

[ Medicinal Efficacies ]: Disperse wind-heat; clear head and eyes.

[ Usage and Dosage ]: 5-9 g. It is decocted in water or soaked in wine for oral administration. Also it is used in pills and powder.

[ Clinical Applications ]: 1. External contraction of wind heat, dizziness and headache      Manjingzi treats cold due to wind-heat, with dizziness and headache, in combination with Bohe and Juhua.

2.Reddish and swollen eyes wit pain      It is  indicated for wind-heat up attacking, manifesting as reddish and swollen eyes with pain, blurred vision and tearing, usually in combination with Juhua, Chantui and Baijili.

Also it can dispel wind and stop pain to treat arthralgic pain due to wind-damp with convulsion of body and limbs.

蔓荆子为马鞭草科植物单叶蔓荆Vitex trifolia L.var. simplicifolia Cham.或蔓荆Vitex trifolia L.的干燥成熟果实。单叶蔓荆主产于山东、江西、浙江、福建等省;蔓荆主产于广东、广西等省区。秋季果实成熟时采收,除去杂质,晒干。生用或炒用。

  【应用】        1.风热感冒,头昏头痛。本品辛能散风,微寒清热,轻浮上行,解表之力较弱,偏于清利头目、疏散头面之邪。故风热感冒而头昏头痛者,较为多用,常与薄荷、菊花等疏散风热、清利头目药同用。若风邪上攻之偏头痛,常配伍川芎、白芷、细辛等祛风止痛药。      
【古籍摘要】        1.《神农本草经》:“主筋骨间寒热,湿痹拘挛,明目,坚齿,利九窍,去白虫。”     
   2.《名医别录》:“去长虫,主风头痛,脑鸣,目泪出。益气,令人光泽脂致。”        3.《医林纂要》:“散热,祛风,兼能燥湿。”       
【现代研究】        1.化学成分:本品含挥发油,主要成分为茨烯、蒎烯,并含蔓荆子黄素、脂肪油、生物碱和维生素A等。       


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