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Zhuru (Bamboo Shavings)---竹茹(powder100g/bottle)

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Product Description


It is the dried middle layer of the stem of Bambusa tuldoides Munro, Phyllostachys nigra( Lodd.) Munro var. henonis(Mituf.)Stapf ex Rendle, or Sinocalamus beecheyanus (Munro) McClure var.pubescens P.E.Li.,family Gramineae. It can be collected all the year round. The greenish middle layer of fresh stem is shaved into fine slices or cut into thin pieces, and then bundled to be dried in shade. The raw or stir-baked with ginger juice are used.

[ Medicinal Properties ]: Sweet and slightly cold; relate to lung, stomach and gallbladder meridians.

[ Medicinal Efficacies ]: Clear heat and resolve phlegm; alleviate restlessness and relieve vomiting.

[ Clinical Applications ]: 1. Phlegm-heat causing cough, inner disturbance by phlegm-fire causing restlessness and insomnia      For phlegm-heat causing cough, it is usually combined with Huangqin and Gualou; for invasion of lung and heart by gallbladder-fire manifested as chest oppression, profuse sputum, restlessness, insomnia and fright palpitation, usually with Chenpi, Banxia and Zhishi in Wendan Decoction.

2. Stomach-heat causing vomiting       For stomach-heat causing vomiting, it is often combined with Huanglian; for stomach deficiency with heat resulting in vomiting, with Chenpi, Shengjiang and Renshen, such as Jupi Zhuru Decoction.

[ Usage and Dosage ]: 4.5-9g. The raw are used to clear heat and resolve phlegm, and the stir-baked with ginger juice are used to relieve vomiting.

竹茹为禾本科植物青杆竹 Bamusa tuldoides Munro、大头典竹Rinocalamus beecheyanus(Munro) McClure var.pubescens P.F.Li或淡竹 Phyllostachyninra var. henonis Stapf的茎的中间层。主产于长江流域和南方各省。全年均可采制,取新鲜茎,刮去外层青皮,然后将中间层刮成丝状,摊放阴干。生用、炒用或姜汁炙用。

       【药性】甘,微寒。归肺、胃经。        【功效】清热化痰,除烦止呕。       
【应用】        1.肺热咳嗽,痰热心烦不寐。竹茹甘寒性润,善清化热痰。治肺热咳嗽,痰黄稠者,常配瓜蒌、桑白皮等同用;治痰火内扰,胸闷痰多,心烦不寐者,常配枳实、半夏、茯苓,如温胆汤(《千金方》)。       
2.胃热呕吐、妊娠恶阻。本品能清热降逆止呕,为治热性呕逆之要药。常配黄连、黄芩、生姜等药用,如竹茹饮(《延年秘录》);若配人参、陈皮、生姜等,可治胃虚有热之呕吐,如橘皮竹茹汤(《金匮要略》)。治胎热之恶阻呕逆,常配枇杷叶、陈皮等同用。        此外,本品还有凉血止血作用,可用于吐血、衄血、崩漏等。       
【古籍摘要】        1.《名医别录》:“治呕啘,温气寒热,吐血,崩中,溢筋。”       
【现代研究】        1.化学成分:本品含cAMP磷酸二酯酶抑制物2,5-二甲氧基-对-苯醌,p-羟基苯甲醛,丁香酚等。       

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