This medicinal is the dried ripe fruit of the plant Ligustrum lucidum Ait.(Fam.Oleaceae). It is excavated in winter when the fruit becoes ripe. After slightly steamed or slightly scaled with boilig water, it is dried and used in its unprepared form or processed with liquor.
[ Medicinal Properties ]: Sweet, bitter, cool; relate to liver and kidney meridians.
[ Medicinal Efficacies ]: Nourish liver and kidney; improve vision and blacken hair.
[ Clinical Applications ]: Syndrome of liver-kidney yin deficieny It treats treat dim vision, weak eyesight, early greying of hair, vertigo and tinnitus, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, aching and limpness in the loins and knees, spermatorrhea, due to yin deficiency of liver and kidney, itis often used in combination with Mohanlian, in Er Zhi Pill. To treat yin deficiency with interal heat , red eyes, photophobia and eye pain, it is used with Shengdihuang and Shijueming. To treat Xiaoke(diabetes) due to kidney yi deficiency, it is often prescribed with Shengdihuang and Tiandong. In order to treat tidal fever and dysphoria, due to yin deficiency with internal heat, it should be combined with Shengdihuang, Zhimu and Digupi.
[ Usage and Dosage ]: 6-12g. Steamed with yellow wine, its action of nourishing liver and kidney is strengthened, its property of bitter and cold is reduced, and the side effect of loosig bowels can be dimished.
女贞子为木犀科植物女贞Ligustrum lucidum Ait.的成熟果实。主产于浙江、江苏、湖南等地。冬季果实成熟时采收,稍蒸或置沸水中略烫后,干燥,生用或酒制用。