It is the dried leaf of Eriobotrya japonica ( Thunb.)Lindl.,family Rosaceae. The leaves are collected all the year round. They are dried in the sun with the hair being brushed and then cut into fine pieces. The raw or stir-baked with honey are used.
[ Medicinal Properties ]: Bitter and slightly cold; relate to lung ad stomach meridians.
[ Medicinal Efficacies ]: Clear lung and relieve cough; check adverse rise of qi to stop vomiting.
[ Clinical Applications ]: 1. Lung heat causing cough For cough due to wind-heat, it is combined with Qianhu and Sangye; for cough and dyspnea due to dryness-heat, with Sangbaipi and Shashen.
2. Stomach heat manifested as thirst, vomiting It is combined with Maidong, Zhuru and Lugen.
[ Usage and Dosage ]: 6-9g. The stir-baked with liquid adjuvant are used to relieve cough and the raw to relieve vomiting.
枇杷叶为蔷薇科植物枇杷Eriobotrya japonica(Thunb.)Lindl.的叶。全国大部分地区均有栽培。主产于广东、江苏、浙江、福建、湖北等地。全年均可采收,晒干,刷去毛,切丝生用或蜜炙用。