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Ziwan (Tatarian Aster Root)---紫菀(powder 200g/bottle)

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Product Description


It is the dried root and rhizome of Aster tataricus L.f.,family Compositae. The roots and rhizomes are dug and collected in spring and autumn. After the rhizomes with nodules, mud and sand are removed, they are dried in the sunshine and cut into thick slices. The raw or stir-baked with honey are used.

[ Medicinal Properties]: Pungent, bitter and warm; relate to lung meridian.

[ Medicinal Efficacies ]: Moisten lung, resolve phlegm and relieve cough.

[ Clinical Applications ]: Cough        To trat external contraction by wind-cold manifested as cough with profuse sputum, it is combined with Jingjie, Baiqian and Chenpi. It treats lung deficiency causing prolonged cough with hemoptysis, in combination with Zhimu, Chuanbeimu and Ejiao, such as Ziwan Decoction.

[ Usage and Dosage ]: 5-9g. The raw are used to treat external contraction by wind-cold .The stir-baked with honey are used to treat prolonged cough due to lung deficiency.

紫菀为菊科植物紫菀Aster tataricus L.f.的根及根茎。主产于东北、华北、西北及河南、安徽等地。春、秋二季采挖,除去有节的根茎,编成辨状晒干,切厚片生用,或蜜炙用。

       【药性】苦、辛、甘,微温。归肺经。        【功效】润肺化痰止咳。       
【应用】        咳嗽有痰。本品甘润苦泄,性温而不热,质润而不燥,长于润肺下气,开肺郁,化痰浊而止咳。对咳嗽之证,无论外感、内伤,病程长短,寒热虚实,皆可用之。如风寒犯肺,咳嗽咽痒,咯痰不爽,配荆芥、桔梗、百部等,如止嗽散(《医学心悟》);若治阴虚劳嗽,痰中带血,则配阿胶、贝母等以养阴润肺,化痰止嗽,如王海藏紫菀汤。      
【古籍摘要】        1.《神农本草经》:“主咳逆上气,胸中寒热结气。”       
【现代研究】        1.化学成分:本品含紫菀皂苷A~G、紫菀苷、紫菀酮、紫菀五肽、紫菀氯环五肽、丁基-D-核酮糖苷、槲皮素、无羁萜、表无羁萜醇、挥发油等。       

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