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Yadanzi ( Java Brucea Fruit )---鸦胆子

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Product Description


Yadanzi is the dired mature fruit of Brucea Javanica (L.) Merr.,pertaining toSimaroubaceae. It is collected in fall when it becomes mature. After the impurities are removed, it is sun dired. After that,the shell is removed, and the kernel is collected. Theraw form is used.

[ Medicicnal Properties ]: Bitter and cold. Slightly toxic; relate to large intestine and liver meridians.

[ Medicinal Efficacies ]:  Clear heat, relieve toxicity; check malaria, stop dysentery corrode wart.

[ Clinical Applications ]: 1. Heat toxin, blood toxin, cold accumulation and chronnic dysentery    Yadanzi treats chronic dysentery due to cold accumulation by itself wrapped by Longyan flesh for oral administration. Now it is used for amoebic dysentery. For chronic diarrhea and dysentery, it is combined with Kezi flesh, Wumeirou and Muxiang.

2. Malaria, chills and fever    It is effective to treat tertian malaria andquartan malaria. It is used alone in capsule or wrapped by Longyangrou.

3. Clavus and wart    Pound to paste externally onto the affected part or past its oil externally to treat clavus and verruca vulgaris.

[ Usage and Dosage ]: 0.5-2g. It is wrapped by dried Longyangrou or in capsule for oral administration. Also it is used externally.

[ Precautions ]: As it is toxic to stomach, intestines, liver and kidneys, avoid long time administration or over dosage. Also avod with bleeding in stomach and intestines, liver or kidney disease.

[ Side Effect ]: The shell and seed of Yadazi are toxic. The toxic ingredient is a strong protoplasmic toxin, which can suppress central nervous system, damage parenchyma of liver and kidneys, dilate arteries of internal organs, leading to bleeding. Its volatile oil can strongly irritate skin and mucous membrane. People toxicated by it manifest as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, lassitude, abdominal pain, hematochezia, reuced urine amount, increased body temperature, conjunctival congestion, numbness or paralysis of four limbs, coma and convulsion. When used on skin or mucous membrane, it is very irritating, and some people show allergic reaction. 

鸦胆子为苦木科植物鸦胆子Brucea javanica (L.) Merr.的干燥成熟果实。主产于广西、广东等省。秋季果实成熟时采收,除去杂质,晒干。去壳取仁,生用。



【应用】        1.热毒血痢,冷积久痢。本品苦寒,能清热解毒,尤善清大肠蕴热,凉血止痢,故可用治热毒血痢,便下脓血,里急后重等症。如《医学衷中参西录》单用本品去皮25~50粒,白糖水送服。本品又有燥湿杀虫止痢之功,可用治冷积久痢,采取口服与灌肠并用的方法,疗效较佳;若用治久痢久泻,迁延不愈者,可与诃子肉、乌梅肉、木香等同用。       


 3.鸡眼赘疣。本品外用有腐蚀作用。用治鸡眼、寻常疣等,可取鸦胆子仁捣烂涂敷患处,或用鸦胆子油局部涂敷。如《经验方》至圣丹,即以鸦胆子仁20个,同烧酒捣烂敷患处,外用胶布固定,治疗鸡眼;《医学衷中参西录》亦用上法,治疣。        【用法用量】内服,0.5~2g,以干龙眼肉包裹或装入胶囊包裹吞服,亦可压去油制成丸剂、片剂服,不宜入煎剂。外用适量。       


【古籍摘要】        1.《本草纲目拾遗》:“治冷痢久泻……外无烦热燥扰,内无肚腹急痛,有赤白相兼,无里急后重,大便流利,小便清长。”       


【现代研究】        1.化学成分:本品主要含苦木苦味素类,生物碱(鸦胆子碱、鸦胆宁等),苷类(鸦胆灵、鸦胆子苷等),酚性成分,黄酮类成分,香草酸,鸦胆子甲素以及鸦胆子油等。       


3.临床研究:据报道,用本品连皮带仁共研细末,加入65%乙醇100ml内,浸泡10天,用治传染性软疣,在局部消毒后,剥开软疣表皮,将鸦胆子酊点滴于软疣表面,每日1次,多数在4~9天软疣自行干枯脱落,共治疗196例,总治愈率100%,无全身毒性反应(中医外治杂志 2001, 3:56);另用鸦胆子复方煎剂保留灌肠,治疗溃疡性结肠炎35例,疗效显著(四川中医1996,10:21);近年来用鸦胆子油乳制剂,口服或局部注射,可广泛用于治疗肺癌、食管癌、胃癌、脑瘤、肝癌、宫颈癌、前列腺癌、大肠癌以及五官科肿瘤等多种癌症。根据患者情况选择给药途径,对中晚期癌可明显改善症状,延长生存期,且未见明显毒副作用。如鸦胆子油乳联合抗癌药顺铂胸腔内注射治疗癌性腹水30例,较单纯用顺铂治疗者,疗效明显提高,且不良反应发生率降低。取得良好的治疗效果(中医杂志2001,9:569)。



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